
Once Bethel students, and now 50,000 strong, we’re pursuing excellence and changing the world as Bethel alums.

Whether it’s been just a few short months or many years since you became a Bethel alum, your world is likely no longer the same. A lot of life may have passed by, big changes have come and gone, but one thing remains—you’re a huge part of this community. And as a community, Bethel is here to walk with you through whatever life brings.

So contact us to let us know what Bethel can continue to do for you—and explore the many ways you can stay connected to the Bethel community.

Alumni at Homecoming

Come to an Event

Join us at events just for alumni, like regional gatherings in a U.S. city near you, Homecoming, or Bethel University Young Alumni (BUYA) events—just for alumni 10 years out or less!

Campus Store

Benefits and Services

You've got a lot to look forward to! Check out what benefits and services are available to Bethel alumni—from a lifetime membership to the Wellness Center, a discount in the Campus Store, and access to Career Development and Calling!

BethelBiz Mentor

Get Involved

Alumni have given their time and resources to make Bethel what it is today. Mentor students, host an event, or make a donation to your favorite department—we're grateful for all of it.

Students in BC

Stay Connected

Let's keep in touch! Be sure we have your updated contact info so you can receive communications to stay up to date on what's happening at Bethel and invites to events just for you.