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Summer Camps at Bethel

Summer should be more than a break—it should be an experience.

That's why we offer exciting oppportunities for students to exercise their minds and their bodies. Register today for one of our academic or athletic camps.

Three students on campus during Bethel Buisness Academy camp.

Arts and Academic Camps

We believe in encouraging young people to explore their interests so that they can discover their passion. From business to forensic science, theology to music and more, campers will have the opportunity to learn new skills and envision their future. 

camper throwing football

Athletic Camps

Royal athletic teams excel in one of the most competitive NCAA Division III conferences. With our elite coaching staff and friendly student-athletes, you'll improve your game and build confidence in a fun and encouraging environment. 

We look forward to seeing you on campus! If you have additional questions, please contact Conference & Event Services.