Joni Burgin-Hartshorn
Job Title
Adjunct Instructor
Ed.D. in K-12 Administration, Graduate School
Educational Leadership, School Safety, Instructional Leadership, Policy and Administration
Started at Bethel
- Luther College - B.A., 1979
- St. Cloud State University - M.S., 1988
- University of Minnesota - Ed.D. in Educational Policy and Administration, 2001
Joni Burgin served as the Superintendent of the Grantsburg, Wisconsin School District for 23 years. Under her leadership the district schools were awarded state and federal awards. She also served as a principal, dean of students, and assistant principal at three high schools in Minnesota and Wisconsin.
Courses Taught
EDUC 830
EDUC 865
EDUC 882 Directed Studies
Blue Ribbon Commission on Education Reform- Wis. Legislative Appointment 2017-18
Legislative Study Committee: Improving Educational Opportunities in High School .
Excellence in Education Award for Teaching. Minnesota Chamber Foundation Honors Ceremony at the Ordway, St. Paul - $4,000.
Instructional Change: A Comparison of Blocked and Traditional HS Class Periods. University of Minnesota.
Master's Thesis
Staff Development and Organizational Change. St. Cloud State University.
National Journal Article:
Building Strength-based Learning Communities. AASA.
Building the Heart of Successful Schools
"Building Strength-based Learning Communities".
National Association of Secondary School Principals Convention
"9th grade interdisciplinary teams" New Orleans
Minnesota Education Effectiveness Project
"9th grade interdisciplinary teams" Brainerd, MN
WASB, WASDA, WASBO Annual Conventions 2005, 2011
Critical Thinking in the Curriculum
Hybrid and Blended Learning
AWSA/WASDA SLATE Conference, 2011
Hybrid Learning
Certificates and Licenses
Wisconsin Professional License: Superintendent, Principal, Music Teacher (choral)
Educator Effectiveness - Charlotte Danielson
Elements of Effective Instruction / Clinical Supervision -Hunter/Suzuki.
Instructional Course Designer and Online Instructor- UW Stout & Bethel University
Digital Media & Visual Literacy
Effective Negotiations (Karrass)
Gallup Organization- Teacher/ Principal Insight, StrengthFinder, Strength-based schools
Professional Organizations, Committees, and Boards
Wisconsin Legislature Study Committees (2)
American Association of School Administrators
Wisconsin American Association of School Administrators
CESA #11 Consortium
Lakeland Conference Administrators
Gallup Organization- Teacher/ Principal Insight, StrengthFinder, Strength-based schools
Elements of Effective Instruction / Clinical Supervision -Hunter/Suzuki.
Hobbies and Interests
Faculty Follies Variety Show- Producer. Dollars for Scholars Fundraiser.
Community Learning Center .
Citizen's Long-range Planning Committees
Adult Sunday School Teacher, Praise and Worship Song Leader, Men's Choir Director.
Christmas Vespers- Producer.
Areas of expertise
K-12 School Administration School Finance Continuous Improvement Student Achievement Online Learning Instructional Design Curriculum and Instruction
Research interests
Student Achievement Online Learning Instructional Improvement Student Engagement
Teaching specialty
Educational Leadership, Policy and Administration, Resource Management (Finance), Instructional Leadership, School Safety, Charter Schools Training and Internship Supervision of K-12 Principals and Superintendents
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.