Emily Rustman

Email: emily.rustman@gmail.com
Job Title
Adjunct Professor
Ed.D. in K-12 Administration, Graduate School
Emily is passionate about developing special education programs for students with special needs; focusing on social-emotional learning, strategic planning and systems theory. She enjoys collaborating and learning with other educational professionals to promote a growth mindset while developing high expectations for all students. Emily is currently the Director of Special Services for Westonka Public Schools.
Started at Bethel
- Minnesota State University Mankato - BS in Communication Sciences & Disorders with minors in Family & Child-Life Development and Linguistics, 2006
- Minnesota State University Mankato - MS in Communication Sciences & Disorders, 2008
- St. Cloud State University - Sixth Year Certificate in Educational Leadership & Administration , 2012
- St. Cloud State University - EdD in Educational Leadership & Administration , 2017
Dr. Rustman is currently the Director of Special Services for Westonka Public Schools. She began her journey in education working for Princeton Public Schools in 2008 as a speech-language pathologist. Dr. Rustman was a special education administrator for the Northland Special Education Cooperative in Virginia, MN as well as Anoka-Hennepin School District in Anoka, MN. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders along with minors in Family and Child-Life Development and Linguistics from Minnesota State University Mankato, a Master's Degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders from Minnesota State University Mankato, a sixth-year certificate for her K-12 Principal, Special Education Director and Superintendent's licensures and her Doctorate of Education for Educational Administration and Leadership from St. Cloud State University.
Courses Taught
Director of Special Education
Hargrove, P. & Pittelko, S. & Fillingane, E. & Rustman, E. & Lund, B. (2013). Perceptual Speech and Paralinguistic Skills of Adolescents With Williams Syndrome. Communication Disorders Quarterly. 34. 152-161. 10.1177/1525740112436372.
Resch, E. (2008). Perceptual speech and paralinguistic skills of adolescents with Williams Syndrome (Unpublished master’s thesis). Minnesota State University, Mankato.
Rustman, E., "Bullying in the Workplace: Are principals, assistant principals and licensed
administrators confident identifying and addressing adult bullying?" (2017). Culminating Projects in Education Administration and Leadership. 32.
Brateng, M., Emmons, K., Mobley, A. & Rustman, E. (2023, May 10). Collaboration and Empowering Leadership. Minnesota Administrators for Special Education, Madden’s Resort.
Grimm, S., Lhotka, S. & Rustman, E. (2023, October 26). Building Positive School Culture through a Relational Lens. Minnesota Community Education Association Fall Conference, Brooklyn Park.
Lhotka, S. & Rustman, E. (2023, October 26). Transitioning Students from the Pyramid Model to PBIS. Minnesota Community Education Association Fall Conference, Brooklyn Park.
Lhotka, S. & Rustman, E. (2023, June 14). How PM integrates into PBIS. Minnesota Positive Behavior Intervention System Summer Institute, Virtual.
Resch, E. (2006). Perceptual Speech and Paralinguistic Skills of Adolescents With Williams Syndrome [Poster session]. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Miami, FL .
Rustman, E. (2018, October 27). Early Childhood Special Education: An overview of essential functions and strategies to work with students & collaborate with team members. Creatively Focused Conference, Minneapolis.
Rustman, E. (2024, February 20). READ Act. Twin Cities Educational Consultants Professional Development, Virtual.
Rustman, E. (2021, August 20). Special Education Back-to-School Legal Updates. Twin Cities Educational Consultants Back-to-School Professional Development Day, Virtual.
Rustman, E. (2022, August 18). Special Education Back-to-School Legal Updates. Twin Cities Educational Consultants Back-to-School Professional Development Day, Virtual.
Rustman, E. (2023, August 1). Special Education Back-to-School Legal Updates. Twin Cities Educational Consultants Back-to-School Professional Development Day, Virtual.
Rustman, E. (2024, April 18). Westonka District Highlights: Early Learning MTSS. State of Minnesota Pyramid Model State Implementation Team, Virtual.
Professional Organizations, Committees, and Boards
Professional Committees
Crisis Prevention Intervention Trainer (2017-2021)
State of Minnesota Pyramid Model Implementation Improvement Team, Administrative Representative (2018-current)
State of Minnesota Special Education Advisory Panel, Chair (2022-current)
Westonka Healthy Community Collaborative; Executive Board Member (2024-current)
Professional Organizations
- American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Council for Advancement and Support of Education
Division for Early Childhood
Minnesota Administrators for Special Education
Minnesota Association of School Administrators