Tim Essenburg

Email: esstim@bethel.edu
Job Title
Professor of Economics Emeritus
Economics College of Arts and Sciences
Teaching and scholarly interests in macroeconomics, urban community revitalization, socioeconomic inequality, and reconciliation in a racialized society.
Started at Bethel
- Covenant College - B.A. in Economics & Finance, 1983
- University of Tennessee - M.A., 1986
- University of Tennessee - Ph.D. in Economics, 1991
Tim is Professor of Economics and has keen interests in
- the revitalization of central city neighborhoods, demonstrated in his commitment to research and teaching, but also in his personal life--he and his family have lived in the East Phillips Neighborhood of south Minneapolis for 26 years. He co-authored [2014] a two-volume set titled The New Faces of American Poverty: A Reference Guide to the Great Recession. After his spring 1997 sabbatical (during which he studied five community development corporations--one in Minneapolis, one in Chicago, one in Atlanta and two in Jackson, MS) he developed and has taught "Redevelopment of Central City Neighborhoods." He is the co-founder of and scholar in resident at the Banyan Community, a community development organization in the East Phillips neighborhood of Minneapolis.
- understanding and challenging our racilized society. For 25 years he has team-taught, for 18 years with Karen McKinney, "Reconciliation in a Racialized Society" and has joined her in facilitating Anti-Racism workshops for Bethel, local churches, Catholic Charities and Lutheran Social Service. Twenty-seven years ago Tim began a concerted engagement with race, socioeconomic class and culture and considers himself to be a different and better person today for the journey. He welcomes learning, organizing, and action that lead to greater primary justice--the upholding of the human dignity of each person and the groups to which they belong according to the best values and capabilities of a society.
- a thoughtful and critical understanding of the ever changing macro economy (money, entrepreneurial, market economy) in which we live
Courses Taught
- ECO201--Principles of Economics
- ECO225L--Redevelopment of Central City Neighborhoods
- ECO302--Intermediate Macroeconomics
- ECO499--Senior Seminar
- GES450P--Reconciliation in a Racialized Society
- Movement of Hope Award--Living Out Faith as a Neighbor 2013. (with Joani Essenburg). Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota.
- Faculty Excellence in Service Award 2004. Bethel University.
- New Faces of American Poverty: A Reference Guide to the Great Recession. With Lindsey Hansen (Bethel alumna 2006). Two-volume reference book. ABC-Clio Greenwood Press. 2014.
- "Investing the Church's Social Capital in the Welfare Reform Economy." Faith & Economics. Spring 2001. pp. 24-30.
- "Urban Community Development: an Examination of the Perkins Model." Review of Social Economy, LVIII (2). June 2000. pp. 197-223.
Works in Progress
- Killing Me Softly: Dying to Race, Class and Culture and Living for Shalom. Outline calls for 10 chapters--four have good drafts; two have good starts; three have outlines; 1 chapter yet to be outlined. No publisher secured.
Working/White Papers
"Situating the Social Science of Economics." 2014.
"A Philosophy of a Christian Liberal Arts Education and Some Implications of It." 2013.
" "The "Scientification' of Economic Choices: A Story of Political Economy (favoring Market Economies), Utility, Preferences, and Rationality." 2011 (updated 2014).
"The Challenges of Socio-Economic Mobility," a panelist (with Ed Goetz--Director, Center for Urban and Regional Affairs and Myron Orfield--Earl R. Larson Professor of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Law, Humphrey School of Law; Director, Institute on Metropolitan Opportunity) and moderated by Adam Belz, Star Tribune, Business and Economy reporter, Hey Banyan! event, Banyan Community. Minneapolis. March 7, 2017
"The Role of Collective Efficacy in Community Development." Deloitte. Minneapolis. September 14, 2016.
"Lessons Learned from My Ivory Tower and Our Neighborhood." SOCI470--Inequality and Urban Life. Rice University. Houston, TX. April 5, 2013.
"Reconciliation at Bethel University College of Arts & Sciences." Not Yet Ready for Prime Time. Co-sponsored by Faculty Development and Friends of the Bethel University Library. Bethel University. April 5, 2012.
Anti-Racism workshop (with Karen McKinney) for managers and/or leadership team members. Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota. November 8 and 20, 2017; February 15, 17 and 24, 2017; October 30, 2015; May 31 and June 1, 2012; March 17, 2011; December 2 and 4, 2009; April 9 and 10, 2008
"Faith-Based Organizations." Public Affairs 8203. Neighborhood Revitalization Strategies & Theories. Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs. University of Minnesota. Fall 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008.
"A Call to Service: Economics, a Reformed Worldview, and Nouwen's Cup." Excellence in Service Award, Faculty Retreat, North Heights Lutheran Church and Bethel Seminary. August 25 and 26. 2004.
"Conceptualizing Racial Conflict in Minneapolis: Some Preliminary Thoughts to the 'Black and Blue" Discussion." University of Minnesota, Walter Mondale School of Law. The National Lawyers Guild. "Black and Blue: Beyond Conflict & Toward Healing a City's Wounds." November 4-7, 2002.
Professional Organizations, Committees, and Boards
- American Economic Association, 1987 - present.
- Association of Christian Economists 1990 - present.
Hobbies and Interests
Watching futbol and basketball at East Phillips Park.
Areas of expertise
The redevelopment of central city neighborhoods; publications include "Investing the Church's Social Capital in the Economy of Welfare.
I go by "Essenburg," orient my life towards shalom, and encourage critical thinking which leads to behaviors and feelings more congruent within Christian life!