Jolyn Dahlvig

Job Title
Adjunct Faculty
Ed.D. in Higher Education Leadership, Graduate School
My personal commitment/guiding statement: As a leader, teacher, family member, and friend living at my highest and best I am strong, courageous, spacious, and wise so that I can contribute to Shalom (inclusive community) so that others can freely live into their vision. I am a student affairs leader for Oregon Institute of Technology who works from the Portland-Metro campus, about 20 miles from S of Portland. My research areas of interest include student success and assessment, positive student and organization development, higher education leadership, and gendered experiences within higher education organizational culture and STEM. I love supporting students through the dissertation process and continually learning about higher education with talented graduate and doctoral students.
Started at Bethel
- Azusa Pacific University - Ph.D., 2011
- Oregon State University - Master's of Interdisciplinary Study: College Student Services Administration, Adult Education, Gender Studies, 2006
- Pacific Lutheran University - Bachelor's of Social Work, 1993
Courses Taught
Visiting Instructor. Geneva College, Beaver Falls, PA. Master’s in Higher Education.
June 2012-ongoing
College Student Success (3 credits), online course designer
The Higher Education Professional, (3 credits), online course designer
College Students in America (3 credits), online course designer
Diversity in Higher Education (3 credits)
Gender in Higher Education (3 credits)
Advanced Leadership and Organizational Studies (3 credits)
Instructor. University of Louisville, Louisville, KY. Master’s in Higher Education, Master Educator Course (collaboration with the U.S. Army), and Master’s in Organizational Leadership.
July 2016-August 2019
Organization & Administration of Higher Educational Institutions (3 credits)
Higher Education Finance (3 credits)
Instructional Strategies in Higher Education (3 credits)
Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (3 credits)
Theory to Practice in Higher Education (3 Credits)
Leadership in Human Resources and Organization Development (3 credits)
Organizational Change & Consulting (3 credits)
Adjunct Faculty. George Fox University, Newberg, OR. Doctoral Educational Leadership program.
July 2019-December 2019
Higher Education History and Current Practice (3 credits)
Adjunct Faculty. Azusa Pacific University, Azusa, CA. Doctoral Higher Education Leadership program.
July 2017-December 2018
Leading Change in Higher Education (4 credits)
Research Seminar, Action Research Data Analysis (2 credits)
Research Seminar, Action Research Proposal (2 credits)
Student Success, Equity, and Access (4 credits)
Strengths-Based Leadership (4 credits)
Dissertation Committee Member. Advised seven action research dissertations to completion.
Course Designer, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY. Master’s in Higher Education Leadership-Cadre and Faculty Development Course (collaborative project with the U.S. Army).
August 2017-December 2017
Instructional Strategies (3 credits)
Teaching & Learning (3 credits)
AERA Religion and Education SIG Emerging Scholars Award 2017
Dahlvig, J. E., & Longman, K. A. (2020). Women leaders within international higher educaiton. In N. Niemi and M. Weaver-Hightower (Eds.), The Wiley handbook of gender equity in higher education. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
Dahlvig, C. A., Dahlvig, J. E., & Chatriand, C. (2020). Institutional expenditures and student graduation and retention. Christian Higher Education. DOI: 10.1080/15363759.2020.1712561
Madsen, S. R. & Dahlvig, J. E. (2019). What is next for women and leadership research and theory? Making a critical impact for the future, pp. 258-270. In L. DeFrank-Cole & S. J. Tan (Eds.), Women’s Leadership Journeys: Stories, Research, and Novel Perspectives. New York, NY: Routledge.
Dahlvig, J. E. (2018, September 21). Change or die a slow death [Blog post]. Retrieved from
Dahlvig, J. E. (2018). Flourishing for the common good: Positive leadership in Christian higher education during times of change. Christian Higher Education, 17(1-2), 97-109.
Dahlvig, J. E., & Beers, S. (2018). The status of student affairs division within the CCCU. Christian Higher Education, 17(4), 215-239.
Longman, K. A., Lamm Bray, D., Liddell, W. L., Hough, S. L. & Dahlvig, J. E. (2018). Relational responsibility as a motivator for women to lead. Journal of Leadership Studies, 12(1), 42-48.
Dahlvig, J. E., & Longman, K. (2016). Influences of an Evangelical Christian worldview on women’s leadership development. Advances in Human Resources, 1-17.
Longman, K. A., Daniels, J., O’Connor, C. M., Wikkerink, R. J., Dahlvig, J. E., & Harden Fritz, J. N. (2015). Gendered definitions and self-perceptions of leadership in Christian higher education: The centrality of relationships, authenticity, and communicative influence. Journal of Communication & Religion, 38(2), 20-41.
Dahlvig, J. E., & Longman, K. (2014, Spring). Contributions to women’s leadership development in Christian higher education: A model and emerging theory. Journal of Research on Christian Education, 23(1), 1–23.
Dahlvig, J. E. (2013). A narrative study of women leading within the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities. Christian Higher Education, 12(1-2), 93-109.
Dahlvig, J. E. (2011). A narrative study of women leading within the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (Doctoral dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (UMI No. 888186726).
Longman, K. A., Dahlvig, J. E., Wikkerink, R. J., Cunningham, D., & O’Connor, C. M. (2011). Conceptualization of calling: A grounded theory exploration of CCCU women leaders. Christian Higher Education, 10, 254-275.
Dahlvig, J. E. (2010). A sea of snow: A grounded theory study of five African American students’
experiences with mentoring on a predominantly white campus. Christian Higher Education, 9, 369-395.
Dahlvig, J. E. & Longman, K. A. (2010). Women’s leadership development: A study of defining moments. Christian Higher Education, 9(3), 238-258.
Dahlvig, J. E. (2020, April). Applying positive psychology interventions to neutralizing stereotype threat. Professional development webinar for Oregon Society of Certified Public Accountants (OSCPA).
Dahlvig, J. E. (2019, October). Applying positive psychology interventions to neutralizing stereotype threat. Professional development webinar for InsideTrack, Portland, OR.
Dahlvig, J. E. (2018, November). Cognitive science insights for facilitators. Professional development webinar for InsideTrack, Portland, OR.
Dahlvig, J. E. (2018, June). Teaching action research through a flipped classroom. Presentation at the Action Research Network of the Americas (ARNA) International Conference, San Diego, CA.
Dahlvig, J. E. (2017, April). My research thus far. Invited presentation as recipient of the Emerging Scholars Award, Religion & Education SIG, American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Antonio, TX.
Dahlvig, J. E. (2017, February). The status of student affairs within the CCCU. Council of Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU) National Conference, San Diego, CA.
Dahlvig, J. E. (2016, November). Women and leadership scholarship: A scoping review project that tracks findings of qualitative research and theory. Panel presentation at the International Leadership Association (ILA) Conference, Atlanta, GA
Dahlvig, J. E. (2014, August). Applying positive psychology interventions to neutralizing stereotype threat. Presentation at the Inland Northwest Student Affairs Colloquium, Cheney, WA.
Dahlvig, J. E. (2011, June). A narrative study of women leading within Christian higher education. Presentation at the Association of Christian in Student Development (ACSD) Annual Conference, Springfield, MO.
Dahlvig, J. E. (2011, October). Women leading within Christian higher education: Preliminary findings of a narrative study. Presentation at the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU) International Forum, Abilene, TX.
Dahlvig, J. E. (2010, November). Women and leadership in higher education. Panel presentation at the International Leadership Association (ILA) Conference, Boston, MA.
Dahlvig, J. E. (2009, June). Graduate research assistant for the Advanced Women’s Leadership Development Institute, Lynden, WA.
Dahlvig, J. E. (2009, June). Gendered realities. Presentation at the Advanced Women’s Leadership Development Institute, Lynden, WA.
Dahlvig, J. E. (2009, March). Building psychological capital in new student affairs professionals: A peer mentoring professional development curriculum. Presentation at NASPA National Conference, Seattle, WA.
Dahlvig, J. E. & Wallace, E. (2008, December). Beyond StrengthsQuest: An overview of PsyCap and its implications for Leadership Development. Presentation to the NASPA Leadership Educators Institute, Baltimore, MD.
Dahlvig, J. E. & Wallace, E. (2008, December). Resilience: A tool for working with struggling students and professionals. Presentation to the NASPA Leadership Educators Institute, Baltimore, MD.
Dahlvig, J. E. (2008, November). Gender and Christian higher education. Roundtable presentation at the International Leadership Association (ILA) Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Dahlvig, J.E., McIntosh, E., & Kitomary, A. (2008, October). Strengths intervention for academically at risk students. Presentation at the NACADA National Conference, Chicago, IL.
Hobbies and Interests
Gardening, Reading, raising a silly miniature labradoodle (Bernie), Advising Dissertations