Peter Kapsner

Job Titles

  • Teaching Partner in Christian Ministries
    Christian Ministries (B.A.), College of Adult and Professional Studies
  • Teaching Partner in Theological Studies
    Bethel Seminary
  • Adjunct Assistant Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies
    Biblical & Theological Studies, College of Arts and Sciences


New Testament and Practical Theology

Started at Bethel



  • Bethel College - B.S., 1994
  • Bethel Seminary - M.Div., 2000
  • University of Edinburgh - Ph.D., 2012


Peter has written several courses for Bethel's online and face-to-face courses including Significance of the New Testament, Practical Issues in Ministry and Examining Crucial Questions. He specializes in Pratical Theology -- a discpline that combines the ways we think about God with how this plays itself out in our actual lives as well as throughout church history. Peter hosts a radio program on Faith Radio 900 in the Twin Cities areas addressing the difficult theological and faith questions of life and the headlines of our day. He is regularly in pulpits around the Minneapolis area, has been married to Hallie for 20+ years, has five kids, lives in the western suburbs of Minneapolis and LOVES golf and travel.

Courses Taught

Christian Social Ethics
Human Sexuality
Significance of the New Testament
Practical Issues in Ministry
Scripture and Society
Spiritual Formation
Examining Crucial Questions


American Bible Society for Excellence in Teaching

Areas of expertise

New Testament. Church history and engagement with culture. Leadership in ministry. Human sexuality. Spiritual formation.