Ken Jones

Job Title

  • Adjunct Instructor
    Bethel University


Adjunct Professor of Operations Management at Bethel University Assistant Professor Emeritus of Management at Northeastern State University (Retired) in Tahlequah, OK with nearly 20 yrs of service to the Academy. Ken is a husband to Darla 30 yrs, father to Bart and Kendy, and grandfather to 7 beautiful grandchildren--Jordan, Noah, Cameryn, Kane, Morgan, Kannon, and Colton. In his 40+ years in industry, he has owned and operated nine businesses in two states, including one-privately held corporation. He has published in the Regional Business Review, Education + Training, Advances in Business Research Journal, and the Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning for Christians in Higher Education (2007). He has presented research to the ACBSP (Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs) National Conference in Chicago, IL, and co-provided course-specific research models for the OKAIRP (Oklahoma Association for Institutional Research and Planning). His current research interests include remote work environments, product-specific incentives, pre/post assessment in course-specific objectives, and change leadership.

Started at Bethel



  • Anderson University - Doctor of Business Administration - Emphasis Management/MIS Approach, 2011


Assistant Professor Emeritus of Management at Northeastern State University (Retired) in Tahlequah, OK.  In his 40+ years in industry, he has owned and operated nine businesses in two states, including one-privately held corporation.  He has published in the Regional Business Review, Education + Training, Advances in Business Research Journal, and the Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning for Christians in Higher Education (2007).  He has presented research to the ACBSP (Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs) National Conference in Chicago, IL, and co-provided course-specific research models for the OKAIRP (Oklahoma Association for Institutional Research and Planning). 

Courses Taught


  • Strategic Management-Strategic Analysis and Design (Graduate) Lecture and Online
  • Research Methods (Graduate) Online
  • Managerial Economics (Graduate) Lecture and Online
  • Marketing Strategies (Graduate) Lecture and Hybrid/Blended
  • Leadership Skills Development (PMBA)
  • Organizational Behavior (MBA)
  • Organizational Development (MBA)



  • Computers in Modern Society (Undergraduate) Lecture
  • Advanced Supply Chain Strategy-Capstone (Undergraduate) Online
  • Marketing Principles (Undergraduate) Lecture and Video Conference
  • Product Development and End-User Adoption (Undergraduate) Online
  • Business Communications (Undergraduate) Online, Lecture, and Blended
  • Negotiation and Proposal Management (Undergraduate) Lecture and Blended
  • Marketing and Sales of High-Tech Products and Services (Undergraduate) Lecture and Online
  • Principles of Information Technology and Principles of Information Systems (Undergraduate) Lecture, Blended, and Online
  • Supply Chain/Operations Management Course (Undergraduate) Blended
  • SAP Across the Supply Chain (Undergraduate) Online
  • Quantitative Methods (Undergraduate)
  • Micro/Macro Economics (Undergraduate)


  • 2016/2017 - Nominated for NSU's Circle of Excellence in Teaching
  • 2015/2016 - Nominated for NSU's Circle of Excellence in Teaching and Service
  • 2012/2013 - Nominated for NSU's Circle of Excellence in Teaching
  • 2011/2012 - Nominated for NSU's Circle of Excellence in Teaching
  • 2012 - Bronze Service Volunteer Award--Junior Achievement of Oklahoma
  • 2011/2012 - Nominated for NSU's Circle of Excellence in Service
  • 2010/2011 - Nominated for NSU's Circle of Excellence in Teaching
  • 2009/2010 - Nominated for NSU's Circle of Excellence in Teaching
  • 2008/2009 - Nominated for NSU's Circle of Excellence in Service
  • 2005/2006 - Nominated by students for Who's Who Among America's Teachers
  • 2005-2006 - President-Elect for the AMA-Tulsa activity year
  • February 2004 - Elected to the Board of Directors of the American Marketing Association (Tulsa Chapter)


  • Fall 2017 - Phillips, Kern, Tewari, Jones, and Edwards. "Self-Leadership Management: A current review of the literature since 2010", (In Final Review) RBR-Regional Business Review, Northwestern Missouri State University
  • Spring 2017 - Research Article - co-authored by Phillips, Kern, Tewari, and Jones. "Self-Leadership Change Project: The Continuation of an Ongoing Experiential Program" Volume 59 Issue 3 of Education + Training
  • April 2015 - Jones, K., Lucas, D., Johnson, S., and Phillips, J., "Going Home: Why Is Regular Remote Work Reeling?", Mustang Journal for Marketing and Management.
  • March 2013 - "Self-Leadership Change Project: An Ongoing Experiential Program", Advances in Business Research Journal, Vol. 3, No. 3, 2012.
  • October 2012 - Phillips, J., Jones, K., Kern, D., Tewari, J., - "Self-Leadership Change Project: : An Ongoing Experiential Program" Research Preliminary Findings presented at Advances in Business Research Symposium, October 22-23, 2012, University of Arkansas-Ft. Smith, Arkansas.
  • October 2012 - "Going Home: New Technology's Impact on Remote Work Engagement" pre/post research in remote work environments to the University of Arkansas-Ft. Smith, Arkansas. Completed research presented at Advances in Business Research Symposium, October 22-23, 2012, University of Arkansas-Ft. Smith, Arkansas.
  • Summer 2012 -Published four online tests (Blackboard platform) for text:  SAP R/3 Enterprise Software, by Hayen, currently avaialable at McGraw-Hill Higher Education publishers.
  • March 2012 - Phillips, J., Jones, K., Kern, D., Tewari, J., "Self-Leadership Change Project", Advances in Business Research Journal, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2011, pp. 71-85..
  • March 2011-Jones, K., "Going Home: New Technology's Impact on Remote Work Engagement" , Advances in Business Research Journal, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2010, pp. 168-175.
  • January 2011 - Published 22 online tests (Blackboard platform) for text:  Supply Management, 8th Ed., by Burt, Petcavage, and Pinkerton.  Now being distributed by McGraw-Hill publishers.


Other Research Activity:


  • Beginning Fall 2017 - Beginning Qualitative/Quantitative Research for EBS Student Data via Students responses and Pre/Post Assessments
  • Fall 2015 to Present - Crockett, D., Kern, D., and Jones, K., Gathering data for advanced publication on the topic - "Temporary group task performance vs. relational cohesion:  Effects of prior connections and communication medium on oversight, deadline pressure and individual performance."
  • January 2015 - Crockett, D., and Jones, K., Telework: Differential reactions to workplace personnel policies submitted for presentation and publication to Irish Academy of Management Conference 2015.
  • Fall 2014 to Present - Developing Case Studies with Conoco-Phillips/Hilti executives related to Logistics, Negotiating, Business Analytics, and Purchasing for classroom teaching material
  • November 2014 - Jones, K., Lucas, D., Johnson, S., and Phillips, J. Submitted for publication to Regional Business Review, Northwest Missouri State University, as "Theoretical Paper: Why the Decline in Full-Time Remote Work Makes Sense: Research and Literature Review of the Theoretical Complications of Workforce Accountability, for publication in 2014.
  • October 2014 - Phillips, J., Jones, K., Kern, D., Tewari, J., submitted to ACBSP Transnational Journal of Business "Self-Leadership Change Project: An Ongoing Experiential Program With Coaches Guide"February 2014 - Begin to observe and gather data to implement SLCP processes into the Reentry Probation/Parole program at the Oklahoma Department of Corrections
  • Spring 2014 - Completed 3-yr compilation of Pre/Post Assessment data collection and preparation for research publication in Summer/Fall 2014
  • Creating Semester-long Case Study regimen for Supply Chain/Logistics/Negotiating-Purchasing training for University-level application
  • Fall 2013 - Gathered data and preparing publication for student teams and Temporary Organizational Behavior
  • Fall 2012 -Spring 2013 With a 3PL (Third-Party Logistics) firm in Tulsa (Lynnco SCS), successfully filed for (2) Transportation Logistics grants and (1) Information Technology grant from OCAST (STEM Research Organization)--only the IT grant was accepted, but never paid due to lack of OCAST funding for that year.   Note:  Did result in hiring of an NSU Computer Science major as an intern.
  • April 2012 - Self-Leadership Change Project (SLCP) research presented as an Undergraduate Research Day project  by Nicole Carden--she placed first.


Consulting Activities:


  • Summer 2017 - Marketing Strategy for Carolina Foods Co. - JBU Marketing MBA Client
  • Spring 2017 - Student Undergraduate Teams worked with Career Services to create VSM (Value Stream Maps) and created potential solutions to develop Lean Flow (removal of waste in current processes.)  These are being implemented.
  • Spring 2017 - Serve on the Executive/Academic Council for LaunchPadLabs Tulsa, OK
  • Spring 2017 - Marketing Strategy for Reach Clothing - JBU Marketing MBA Client
  • Fall 2016 - Marketing Strategy for FindTrux LLC - JBU Marketing MBA Client
  • Spring 2016- Working with Premier Shipping in Tulsa, OK, a new 3PL firm to create promotional strategy and create Open Source Logistics Sales Training Manual.
  • Fall 2015 - Creative Community Academic Advisor for Chamber of Commerce Tahlequah, OK
  • Spring/Fall 2015 Merit Steel, Ft. Smith, AR creating Supply Chain/Logistics solutions, revamping strategy to adjust to new Marketing Distribution/Channeling processes to take advantage of excess capacity, and creating viable options for Marketing the services of the company. (4 student teams from 3 classes from two universities will complete this project Sept 2015) - JBU Marketing MBA Client
  • Spring 2015 Working with Mercy Fitness Center, part of the Mercy Health Services, to promote and create a sustainable membership program - JBU Marketing MBA Client
  • Fall 2014 to Present - Team Development of Expert System for Management Training and Assessment with Dr. Keith Brand of Spirit Aerosytems of Tulsa.
  • Fall 2014 to Present- Work with Union Christian Academy a private school in Ft. Smith, AR.  Create promotional strategy and increase enrollment. - JBU Marketing MBA Client
  • December 2013 to Present - Working with local executives (Melton, Hilti, and Conoco-Phillips) for small business consulting and support through Legion Associates, LLC.
  • January 2013 to Present - Working with ShipPremier Logistics in Tulsa on employee retention and recruitment, 24-month project.
  • June 2011 to Present - Directing development of Internet-based Transportation Logistics service company (FindTrux LLC), which has drafted the work of two NSU student/alumni that share 35% ownership of the company.
  • Fall 2010 to Present - Junior Achievement of Oklahoma to develop Supply Chain/Operations Mgmt curriculum
  • May 2010 - University of Arkansas-Little Rock (UALR), "Great Cities Field Trip"-visited small communities and discussed telecommuting impact on strategic growth


  • Fall 2016 Presented new course development and evaluations ACBSP Region 6 Conference in Hot Springs, AR - "EBS Ahead of the Graduate Placement Push"
  • Fall 2015 Irish Academy of Management Conference 2015-Crockett, D., and Jones, K., "Telework: Differential reactions to workplace personnel policies."
  • April 2012 - Self-Leadership Change Project (SLCP) research presented as an Undergraduate Research Day project by Nicole Carden--she placed first.
  • October 2011 - Phillips, J., Jones, K., Kern, D., Tewari, J., - "Self-Leadership Change Project" Research Proposal presented at Advances in Business Research Symposium, October 26-27, 2011, University of Arkansas-Ft. Smith, Arkansas.
  • June 2011- Phillips, J., Jones, K., Kern, D., Tewari, J., Educator's Forum - Self-Leadership Change Project: Theory and Application, presented at the OBTC: Teaching Conference for Management Educators, June 8-11, 2011, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
  • June 2011 - Phillips, J., Jones, K., Kern, D., Tewari, J., Self-Leadership Change Project: "The Experiment", presented at the OBTC: Teaching Conference for Management Educators, June 8-11, 2011, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
  • October 2010 - "Going Home: New Technology's Impact on Remote Work Engagement", research proposal presentation at Advanced Business Research Symposium, University of Arkansas-Ft. Smith, Arkansas

Professional Organizations, Committees, and Boards

  • Member since  Fall 2015 - Collegiate Entrepreneurship Organization
  • Member since 2009--ISM Institute of Supply Management
  • Member since 2005 -- Academy of Management (AOM)
  • Member 2012/2013--Broken Arrow Chamber of Commerce
  • Member 2006-2009 -- Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM)
  • Member 2003-2010 -- American Marketing Association (AMA) - President Elect and Tulsa Association Board Member

Hobbies and Interests

  • Writing (Currently writing two books:  Family separation and divorce and the church's role compiling 22 short stories and poems from fathers going through such heartache and loss - "Something's Never"; Series of 15 children's stories to teach parents and children on Biblical Trust - "Stories of the Little Boat" 
  • Reading (Currently reading 90-110 books per year on very ecclectic topics--NOT novels)
  • Riding and Rowing - (Road cycling and stationary rowing for minimum of 50 miles/week)
  • Grandkids ball games school activities (Currently involved in baseball, volleyball, football, and robotics competition)


"If you could only sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet; how important you can be to the people you may never even dream of. There is something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person." Fred Rogers (aka Mr. Rogers)


LinkedIn: Dr. Ken Jones Jr