William Kron

Email: wjk97757@bethel.edu
Job Title
Adjunct Instructor
Teaching (M.A.), Graduate School
Teaching and Learning
Started at Bethel
- University of St. Thomas - BA, 1994
- College of St. Scholastica - MA, 1998
- University of St. Mary's - Administrative Licensure, 2001
I was born and raised in Richfield, Minnesota and started my work with kids as a tennis instructor in my hometown. I've worked at elementary, middle and high schools and currently am an Assistant Principal at Anoka Middle School for the Arts. I have over 30 years experience working with kids and their families. I have been teaching here at Bethel since 2010 and absolutely love the students, the staff and the work.
I live in Andover and have 3 children. Claire is finishing the Nursing Program at St. Catherine's, Sally is a sophomore at the University of Northern Iowa and Willy is a senior at Andover High School.
Courses Taught
Foundations in Education
Educational Research
Student Teaching Seminar
*I work as a thesis advisor
Certificates and Licenses
9-12 English and Communications Licensure
Masters in Curriculum and Instruction
K-12 Administrative Licensure
Hobbies and Interests
I coach my son's soccer team and try to play as much tennis as I can.
Areas of expertise
Teaching and Learning
Knowledge is but folly unless it is guided by grace. ~ George Herbert