Judith Landrum

Job Title

  • Dean of Education, Christian Ministries, and Associate Programs Emerita
    Bethel University


Secondary Literacy: Writing instruction practices, K-12 Literature, and Reading in the Content Area

Started at Bethel



  • University of Minnesota - Ph.D., 1996
  • Fort Hays State University - M.A. , 1984
  • University of Missouri-Columbia - BS.Ed., 1980

Courses Taught

EDU311: Middle School Methods

EDU201: Introduction to Education

EDUC600: Explorations in K-12 Literature

EDUC665: Content Area Literacy

EDUC610: Writing Instruction and Literacy Practices

EDUC674: Methods of Teaching Language Arts, 5-12

EDUC770: Student Teaching

EDUC650: Portfolio and licensure

EDUC614: Educational Research

EDUC752: Conducting Action Research

GES110: College Writing

ENL200: Juvenile Literature

PPDS111: College Prep Reading and Writing



(2015, July). The Passport into Academia: Academic Language. Presentation. Christian Higher

Education Association. Minneapolis, Minnesota.

(2014, July). Establishing WAC that faculty want. Presentation. Christian Higher Education

Association. Indianapolis, Indiana.

(2013, April). Teaching Informative Reading Strategies: Plus*. Presentation. Minnesota Council

Teachers of English. Bloomington, Minnesota.

(2012, December). Academic Language: Vocabulary Plus. Presentation. Minnesota Middle School

Association Conference. Bloomington, Minnesota.

(2012, November). Secondary academic language: Vocabulary and beyond. Presentation. Fall

Congress. Minnesota Association for Colleges of Teacher Education. Minneapolis, Minnesota.

(September 2012). Book review for Journal of Education and Christian Belief. Wong, M.S. &

Canagarajah, S. (2009) Christian and critical English language educators in dialogue. New York: Routledge.

(2012). Academic language: Beginning the conversation. Minnesota Reading Association Highlights, 14-17.

(2011, November). A strategy for teaching informative reading--and a bonus. Presentation. Fall

Conference. Minnesota Reading Association. Saulk Rapids, Minnesota.

Teaching specialty

Secondary Literacy: Writing instruction practices, K-12 Literature, and Reading in the Content Area