Mauvalyn Bowen

Job Titles
Dr. Bowen has done extensive work in Jamaica and the Caribbean, as an administrator, consultant, and faculty. Her research interests lie in the areas of entrepreneurial marketing, social entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial training for micro and small entrepreneurs in developing countries. She served as a member on the local board of HOPE International which helped to develop her passion for entrepreneurship with a purpose. Mauvalyn co-authored the textbook " Entrepreneurship for Caribbean Students. (Revised 2nd ed.). Ian Randle Publishers, Kingston." She currently serve as Subject Specialist & Convener for the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) Entrepreneurship Education Subject Panel for the English Speaking Caribbean.
Started at Bethel
- University of Technology, Jamaica - B.Ed. in Business Studies, 1994
- Southern Illinois University - M.S. in Workforce Education and Development, 1998
- University of Minnesota - Ph.D. in Business and Industry Education, 2008
Dr. Mauvalyn Bowen has enjoyed over two decades of international and intercultural work experience in higher education, primarily in the Caribbean and North America. She earned her Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota as a Fulbright Scholar, and her M.S. and B.Ed. from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale and the University of Technology, Jamaica, respectively. Mauvalyn has done extensive work in Jamaica and the Caribbean, as an administrator, consultant, and faculty. Her marketing and management experiences include creating and managing the Joan Duncan School of Entrepreneurship Ethics & Leadership (only one of its kind in the Caribbean), providing oversight and leadership to a Technology Innovation Centre and campus resident housing. Mauvalyn has also been a senior business consultant at the University of Minnesota's Office for Business and Community Economic Development and is co-founder of her family business, Bowen Consulting & Training Services. Her passion for service heightens her research interests in the areas of entrepreneurial marketing, social entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial training for micro and small entrepreneurs in developing countries. Mauvalyn formerly served as a member on the local board of HOPE International, MN, presented at numerous conferences and published in various academic journals. Mauvalyn is a co-author of the textbook 'Entrepreneurship for Caribbean Students" and is a Subject Specialist and Convenor for the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) Entrepreneurship Education Subject Panel for the English Speaking Caribbean.
Courses Taught
Other institutions:
- Sales Training, Teaching Marketing Promotion, Innovation & Entrepreneurship Seminar, International Business.
- Management Principles and Practices, Challenges and Choices in Small Business & Entrepreneurship, Human Resource Management- A Strategic Framework.
- Business Plan Development, Introduction to Entrepreneurship, Strategic Human Resource Planning, Strategies in Human Resource Management, Research Methodologies and Tools.
- Organizational Development & Change, Organizational Behavior Analysis, Business Ethics, Introduction to HRM.
- Accounting, Business Development and Practice, Entrepreneurship, Foundations of Entrepreneurship, Management, Management and Intrapreneurship, Marketing
- Organization and Management, Organizing and Operating a Small Business. Research Methodology, Small Business Management
- Scholarship Recipient under the Fulbright-LASPAU Faculty Development Program, 2005
- Dean's Award for the Most Outstanding Lecturer in the Faculty of Business and Management for 2004 (1st recipient), 2005
- University of Technology, Jamaica (UTech) Vin Spencer Award for Outstanding Contribution to Student Life on Campus, 2005 (university's most prestigious award)
- UTech Resident Students Award for Outstanding Contribution to Resident Life, 1999
- Graduate Assistantship at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 1997
- UTech Students' Union Award in recognition of profound interest in students' affairs and outstanding contribution to the development of the university, 1995
- UTech President Award for Leadership, Excellence and Community Service, 1992
- Technical High Schools Principals' Awards for Most Outstanding All-Round Achievements, 1992
- Outstanding Achievement in Business Education, 1992
- UTech Students' Union Award for Outstanding Service to Students' Council, 1992
- Jamaica Flour Mills Scholarship Recipient - UTech, 1991
Bowen, M. (2021). Jamaican micro/small entrepreneurs: A comparative assessment of their motivations and problems. Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship,23 (1), pp.122-138.
Bowen, M. M., Johnson, K. R., (2018). Entrepreneurial Skills for the 21st Century Workplace: The SME Sector. Chapter published in the Handbook of Reseach on Promoting Higher-Order Skills and Global Competencies in Life and Work. Resease date: July 2018 ISBN13:9781522563310, DOI10.4018/978-1-5225-6331-0
Johnson, K.R., Hewappathirana, G, Bowen, M. M. (2018). Faculty Development for Online Teaching. Chapter published in the Handbook of Research on Virtual Training and Mentoring of Online Instructors. Release date July 2018 ISBN13:9781522563228, DOI 10.4018/978-1-5225-6322-8
Park, S., Chaudhri, S., Hewapathirana, G., Johnson, K., Bowen, M. M. (2016). An analysis of award winning refereed articles from the journals sponsored by the Academy of Human Resource Development. Human Resource Development Quarterly. Article first published online: 16 FEB 2016 DOI: 10.1002/hrdq.21251.
Stephen-James, L. B., Bowen, M. M., Joseph, J. C., Gittens, F., Ponder, P., Knife, K., Mitchell, D., McDonald, K. A. (2014). Entrepreneurship for Caribbean Students. Ian Randle Publishers, Kingston.
Joerger, R.M., Nelson, R. K., Werner, M., Jaber, J., & Bowen. M, (June 2012). Business and Production Management Education Interests, Needs and Learning Preferences of Minnesota Farmers, Academic and Student Affairs, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, St. Paul, MN.
Bartlett, K. R., Schleif, N., & Bowen, M. M. (2011). The use of workforce assessment as a component of career and technical education program evaluation. Career and Technical Education Research, 36(2), 105-118.
Boodraj, G., Bowen, M., Skeete, V. & Reid, O. (2011). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2010 Report.
Skeete, V., Bowen, M. Boodraj, G., Lawla, J., McPherson Edwards, M. & Williams, H. (2010). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2009 Report, ISBN 978-976-8027-33-7.
Bowen, M. M. (2021). A Reconciliatory Approach to Marketing: A Case of the Marginalized. Presented to the Initial Tenure & Promotion Committee on August 15, 2021.
Bowen, M, M (2019) “Building Students Mentoring Relationships: Integrating Faith, Enhancing the Woven Lives Experience”. Paper presented at the CBFA conference in Siloam Spring, AR, October 17-19, 2019.
Johnson, K.R., Hewappathirana, G, Bowen, M. M. (2018). Development Opportunities for Online iNstructors. "Paper presented at the AHRD Conference in Amaricas, February 14-17.
Bowen, M. M. (2016). "Creating a Student Incubation Program." Paper presented at the 2016 United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) Conference in San Diego, CA, February 9 -12.
Bowen, M. M., Johnson, K. & Hewapathirana, G. (2014). "Using Online Modality of Teaching for Post-Secondary Education: Engaging in the Learning Community." Paper presented at the AHRD Conference of the Americas in Houston Texas, February 19-23.
Johnson, K., & Bowen, M. (2013) "Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Tourism: The Role of Training and Development." Paper presented at the AHRD Conference of the Americas in Washington, D.C., February 14-16.
Bowen, M. M. & Yang, M. (2013). "Student Mentoring Relationships: The Impact of Formal Mentoring on Career Enhancement and Leadership Development." Paper presented at the MN Conference of Undergraduate Scholarly and Creative Activity, April 8.
Joerger, D., Dvergsten, R., Bowen, M., Jaber, J., Nelson, R., Allen, D., & Werner, M. (2013) "Program Delivery and Instructional Media Preferences of Minnesota Producers." Paper presented at the National Farm Business Management Conference, Overland Park, Kansas, June 9-13.
Joerger, D., Dvergsten, R., Bowen, M., Jaber, J., Nelson, R., Allen, D., & Werner, M. (2013) "Comparison of the Farm Business Education Needs and Delivery Preferences of Students Enrolled in the Minnesota FBM Program." Paper presented at the National Farm Business Management Conference, Overland Park, Kansas, June 9-13.
Joerger, R.M., Nelson, R. K., Werner, M., Jaber, J., & Bowen. M, (June 2012). Business and Production Management Education Interests, Needs and Learning Preferences of Minnesota Farmers, Academic and Student Affairs, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, St. Paul, MN.
Bowen, M. M. (2009) "HEART Entrepreneurs: An assessment of their Training, Motivations and Problems." Paper presented in the refereed track of the Allied Academies Spring 2009 International Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 8-11.
Bowen, M.M., Johnson, K., & Chaudhuri, S. (2008). "Informal training in developing countries." In H. Malloch (Ed.), Proceedings of 2008 International Conference on Human Resource Development Research and Practice across Europe. Lille, France: Academy of Human Resource Development.
Bowen, M. M. & Grossett, C. (2008). "The Role of Foreign Direct Investment in the Global Strategies of Corporations: Issues and Challenges for Micro and Small Enterprises." Paper presented in the refereed paper track of the Faculty of Business and Management International Conference on Business, Hospitality, and Tourism Management, Ocho Rios, Jamaica.
Bowen, M.M. (2008) "Business Incubation System in the Caribbean." Paper presented at the AHRD International Research Conference in the Americas, Panama City, Florida, February.
Chaudhuri, S., & Bowen, M. (2007). "Decreasing affective commitment of the employees in today's workforce." In J. Woodall, D. Witney, & D. Jepson (Eds.), Proceedings of 2007 globalisation versus glocalisation 8th International Conference on Human Resource Development Research and Practice across Europe. Oxford Brookes University Business School, United Kingdom: Academy of Human Resource Development.
Bowen, M. M., Buchanan, C. E. & Grossett C. (2005) "Business Incubation and Growth- The Jamaican Case." Paper presented in the refereed paper track at the Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship National Conference, Blackpool, UK, November 1-3.
Samuels-Bowen M. M. (1999). "Occupational Personality and its Appropriateness for Career Choice of Second Year Business Administration Students at the University of Technology, Jamaica." Paper presented at Delta Phi Epsilon Research Conference, Illinois.
Certificates and Licenses
Technology Commercialization
Professional Organizations, Committees, and Boards
Professional Organizations
- Member/Judge: American Marketing Association (AMA), 2017- present
- Member/Reviewer: United States Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE), 2008-present
- Member: Christian Business Faculty Association (CBFA) , 2019- present
- Member: Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP), 2019-present
- Member/Reviewer: Academy of Management (AOM), 2008-2017
- Member/Reviewer: Academy of Human Resource Development (AHRD), 2008-2018
- Member: National Business Education Association (NBEA), 1996-2016
- Member: Project Management Institute, 2013
- Editor: A Biotechnology Reader for Technology Educators -University of Minnesota, 2006
Bethel Committees
- VP for Senate
- Faculty Senaor
- Boardmemer of Reconcialtion Department
- President's Commission on Value and Affordability (2020)
- College Program Assessment (CPA)- ('18-20)
- Department of Business Curriculum Committee
External Boards
- Board Member: HOPE International MN Local Chapter, June 2016-2019
- Subject Specialist & Convenor: Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) Entrepreneurship Education Subject Panel, July 2011-present
- Board Member: Scientific Research Council of Jamaica-Market Tech. Jamaica Ltd., Septement 2010-December 2011
Hobbies and Interests
Music, dancing, shopping, travelling, cooking, entertaining, watching comedic plays.
Areas of expertise
Entrepreneurship and Marketing
Research interests
Dr. Bowen's research interests include: entrepreneurial marketing, social entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial training for micro and small entrepreneurs in developing countries.
Teaching specialty
Entrepreneurship, Marketing and Research
I believe in the unlimited potential of every student, if I have faith, deep faith, in students; capacities for creativity and growth, how very much we can accomplish together (C. Rowland Christensen, Harvard Business School Press, 1991).