Laurel McKeever
Job Title
Adjunct Faculty
Nurse-Midwifery (M.S.), Graduate School
I have been in Nursing since 1983, graduated from the U of M in 2010. I worked as a CNM at Mayo Clinic for 2 years before moving back to Hutchinson were I work full time at Glencoe Regional Health Services in a full scope practice. My passion is for Women's Health with a focus on teen pregnancies, menopause, and obesity.
Started at Bethel
Fall 2015
- University of Minnesota - MS, CNM, 2010
I grew up on a farm in North Dakota, graduated with a class of 14, attended NDSU, Jamestown College and married and moved to Seattle were we lived and worked for 10 years. We then moved to Hutchinson Minnesota were I worked at the local hospital and it was here I found my passion for teaching. I taught in the nursing program at Ridgewater College for several years before going back to school myself. I attended the University of Minnesota from 2008 - 2010. During this time, my husband became ill and passed away. After graduation, my 2 boys and I moved to Rochester Minnesota where I worked full time at Mayo Clinic. During this time, I realized God had a different plan for me and I was being called to work with under-served, under-insured, uninsured populations. Today, I work in a full scope CNM practice, providing women's health to women and children from age 12 to 65 in rural Minnesota. My job is a blessing to me each and every day.
Courses Taught
At this time, I will be teaching Advanced Pathophysiology for Advanced Practice Nurses, Antepartum Care, and Fetal Assessment.
Certificates and Licenses
Minnesota APRN Lisence
Certified Nurse Midwife
Professional Organizations, Committees, and Boards
ACNM Member
Hobbies and Interests
I like to spend time with family and friends doing almost anything that requires being out doors. I love to live in Minnesota in the summer and be out on the lake, canoe on the many rivers and streams, bike the many trails from up North to the most Southern parts of this great state. Winters are better spent teaching, learning, skiing and or doing short term mission's.
Areas of expertise
I have been in Nursing since 1983, graduated from the U of M in 2010. I worked as a CNM at Mayo Clinic for 2 years before moving back to Hutchinson were I work full time at Glencoe Regional Health Services in a full scope practice. My passion is for Women's Health with a focus on teen pregnancies, menopause, and obesity.
Nehemiah 6:3 " I am doing a GREAT work and can not go down". Be steadfast in your work for God. Do not let yourself be distracted.