David Nah

Email: d-nah@bethel.edu
Job Titles
Associate Professor
Theological Studies (M.A.) Bethel Seminary
M.A. (Christian Thought), Bethel Seminary
Ministry (M.A.), Bethel Seminary
Transformational Leadership (M.A.) Bethel Seminary
Children's & Family Ministry (M.A.) Bethel Seminary
Systematic Theology, Christian Social Ethics, Theology in Global Context, Theology of Religions, World Religions
Started at Bethel
- Claremont Graduate University - Ph.D., 2005
- Princeton Theological Seminary - Th.M., 1989
- Northwestern University - B.A., 1984
Dr. Nah was born and raised in South Korea. When he was almost ten years old, he immigrated, along with his younger brother John, to the United States to join his father, Dr. Yoon Tae Nah, and mother, Sarah, whom already immigrated several years earlier. His younger sister, Grace, was born in America. David grew up in the windy city of Chicago and attended the church that his father planted and subsequently pastored for 32 years until retirement. In 1976, at the age of fourteen, David accepted Christ as Lord and Savior and was baptized.
David attended Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, where he majored in Sociology and was a member of the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. He then attended Alliance Theological Seminary for his M. Div. degree and Princeton Theological Seminary for a Th.M. in Doctrinal Theology. For his Ph.D., David attended Claremont Graduate University in California where he studied with notable thinkers like John Hick, D.Z. Phillips, John Cobb Jr., David Griffin, and James M. Robinson. His dissertation was entitled, A Critical Evaluation of John Hick’s Theology of Religious Pluralism.
The year 1991 was a special for David. That was the year he was ordained as minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ as well as marrying his lovely wife, Katelyn, who was then a student at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. That same year, they moved to California where they eventually became involved with several ministries, including a church they planted together.
In 2005, David made a transition to academic teaching after some 20 years of church ministry. He spent one year teaching on a post-doctoral appointment at Seattle Pacific University before joining Bethel Seminary in 2006. David is currently member of several professional societies including American Academy of Religion, the Society of Biblical Literature, and the Christian Research Fellowship. His current research projects include books on Korean Christianity, Christian theology of religions, and Contextualization.
Courses Taught
Systematic Theology I
Systematic Theology II
Theology and the Theologian
Christian Social Ethics
Theology and Contemporary Culture
The Church and Social Issues
Theology in Global Context
Religious Pluralism
World Religions
Senior Integrative Seminar
Bethel Seminary Faculty Excellence Award, 2012
Lilly SERVE Post-doctoral Fellow in Theology, Seattle Pacific University, 2005-2006
Alliance Foundation Award, 1998-1999
Tuition Fellowship, Claremont Graduate University, 1993-1995
Christian Theology and Religious Pluralism: A Critical Evaluation of John Hick (Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publication, 2012) 234p.
“Asian Christian Spirituality,” in Glen G. Scorgie (ed.), Dictionary of Christian Spirituality (Zondervan Academic, 2011)
Review of Whose Tempering with the Trinity: An Assessment of the Subordination Debate, Millard J. Erickson, in Religious Studies Review, vol.36:4 (December 2010)
Review of Reformed and Always Reforming: The Postconservative Approach to Evangelical Theology, Roger E. Olson, in Religious Studies Review, vol. 35:1 (March 2009): 43.
Review of The Trinity: Global Perspectives, Veli-Matti Karkkainen, in Religious Studies Review, vol. 34:2 (June 2008): 87.
“Holy Spirit and Chi: An Evangelical Evaluation of Koo Yun’s Chiological Approach to Pneumatology .” Joint Annual Meeting of the Wesleyan Theological Society and the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Seattle, WA. March 22, 2013.
"Glybourne Park" The Guthrie panel discussion sponsored by the Minnesota Consortium of Theological Schools. Other panelists included Father Michael Patella and actors from the play. Guthrie Theater, Minnespolis, MN. July 13 2013.
“Toward an Evangelical Theology of Religions for a Postmodern Age.” Presentation Service, Bethel Seminary, St. Paul, MN. January 10, 2008.
“From Marginalization to Engagement: Toward a Second-Generation Asian-American Theology.” Community Life Gathering Lecture, Bethel Seminary, St. Paul, MN. May 17, 2007.
"Prayer and Askesis: healing Body and Mind." Interreligious symposium at Bethel University, Saint Paul, MN Other panelist included Rabbi Alan Shavit-Lonstein, Imam Yasir Bilgin, and Father Paul Wesche. March 13 2007.
“John Hick and the Origins of Christology.” Northwestern Regional Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, Tacoma, WA. March 4, 2006.
“Critical Evaluation of John Hick’s Philosophy of Pluralism.” Section on Systematic Theology, The Place for Q Research Conference. Los Angeles, CA. October 15, 1996.
Professional Organizations, Committees, and Boards
American Academy of Religion
Society of Biblical Literature
Christian Theological Research Fellowship
Society of Christian Philosophers
Evangelical Philosophical Society
Evangelical Theological Society
Wesleyan Theological Society
Hobbies and Interests
Classical Music, Reading, Taekwondo, Chess.
Teaching specialty
Systematic Theology, Christian Social Ethics, Theology in Global Context, Theology of Religions, World Religions