Andrew Rowell

Job Titles

  • Associate Professor of Ministry Leadership
    Master of Divinity, Bethel Seminary
    Transformational Leadership (M.A.) Bethel Seminary


Dr. Andy Rowell has taught mission, discipleship, and church leadership at Bethel Seminary since 2013.

Started at Bethel



  • Duke Divinity School - Th.D., 2016
  • Regent College - M.Div., 2002
  • Taylor University - B.A., 1998


Andy has taught in ministry leadership at Bethel Seminary since 2013. His doctoral dissertation at Duke Divinity School was on Karl Barth's ecclesiology. He has presented at meetings of the Gospel in Our Culture Network, Academy for Evangelism in Theological Education, American Society of Missiology, Evangelical Theological Society, and the Academy for Religious Leadership. He regularly teaches Missional Outreach and Evangelism, and Discipleship in Community at Bethel Seminary. Andy grew up in Wheaton, Illinois and was involved with sports and student government. He triple-majored at Taylor University--studying abroad twice and playing baseball. He then did a semester abroad at Jerusalem University College with his future wife Amy. After getting married, Amy and Andy lived for six years in Vancouver, Canada both doing M.Div. degrees at Regent College and serving in pastoral ministry. Then Amy and Andy taught Christian ministry at Taylor University for two years. Next Andy did his doctoral work at Duke Divinity School, while Amy served on church staff at Blacknall Presbyterian Church in Durham, North Carolina. Andy and Amy have three children: Ryan, Jacob, and Alice. They live in Minneapolis where Amy is Pastor of Community Life at City Church. Andy coaches youth soccer, basketball, and baseball. Andy can be found on Twitter at @AndyRowell 

Courses Taught

Missional Outreach and Evangelism, Discipleship in Community, Organizational Leadership and Church Governance, The Global Church in Mission, Leading Worship Celebrations in the Christian Life Cycle, Introduction to Transformational Leadership, Contemporary Models of the Church, Senior Seminar in Ministry Leadership, Theology and Practice of Pastoral Ministry, Global, Cultural, and Contextual Ministry, Christian Social Ethics in the Workplace, Transformational Ministry Leadership, Leading Transforming Organizations


2013. “Karl Barth’s Growing Appreciation for Dietrich Bonhoeffer.” Pages 62-69 in Karl Barth in Conversation, edited by David Congdon and W. Travis McMaken. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2013.

2010, September 23. “Christians Are Hate-Filled Hypocrites. Or are they? A sociologist investigates.” Review of the book Christians are Hate-Filled Hypocrites . . . and Other Lies You’ve Been Told: A Sociologist Shatters Myths From the Secular and Christian Media by Bradley Wright. Books & Culture online. Online:

2010, September 9. “‘The Gospel Makes the Everyday Possible’: 70-year old Duke theologian Stanley Hauerwas explains his new memoir, addresses his critics, and explains why he says, ‘We’re all congregationalists now.’ Interview by Andy Rowell.” Christianity Today online. Online:

2010, June 4. “Bonhoeffer: The Evangelical Hero.” Review of the book Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy, by Eric Metaxas. Books & Culture online. Online:

2010, May 6. “Jim Belcher, Francis Chan, N.T. Wright, and Others Leave the Pastorate to Write and Speak: Why church planters often quit their congregations.” Christianity Today online. Online:

2007. Review of the book Dissident Discipleship: A Spirituality of Self-Surrender, Love of God, and Love of Neighbor by David Augsburger. Christian Scholar’s Review 36: 236-239.

2007. Review of the book Off-Road Disciplines: Spiritual Adventures of Missional Leaders by Earl Creps. Leadership Journal (Winter 2007): 76.


2018, April 13. "Contrasting Historic Theological Models of Discipleship to Better Evaluate Leadership Development Approaches." Academy for Religious Leadership (ARL) Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, MN.

2017, November 17. "Not Word and Sacrament: The Lutheran definition of the church and a proposed revised definition." Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) Annual Meeting. Providence, RI.

2010, November 20. “John Howard Yoder’s Missional Exiles and Jeremiah 29: A Case Study for Missional Hermeneutics.” The Gospel in Our Culture Network (GOCN) Forum on Missional Hermeneutics. Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA.

2010, June 18. “Evaluating John Howard Yoder’s Evangelism as Exilic Existence.” The Academy for Evangelism in Theological Education (AETE) Annual Meeting. Techny Towers, IL.

2010, June 20. “Reading Bonhoeffer’s Life Together as a Critique and Affirmation of Missiology.” American Society of Missiology (ASM) Annual Meeting. Techny Towers, IL.

2006, November 15. “Emerging churches in dialogue with Dietrich Bonhoeffer: A fresh practical theology of discipleship for the church.” Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) Annual Meeting. Washington, DC.

Professional Organizations, Committees, and Boards

American Academy of Religion, American Society of Missiology, Association for Evangelism in Theological Education, International Dietrich Bonhoeffer Society, Karl Barth Society of North America, North American Professors of Christian Education.

Hobbies and Interests

Coaching youth baseball, soccer, and basketball.

Research interests

Karl Barth, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Lesslie Newbigin, Eugene Peterson, church planting, church consulting, megachurches, trends in theological education, business management, the quantitative study of congregations in sociology, models of practical theology, the history of pastoral ministry, pastoral ministry in literature.
