Sara Heacox Sosa

Job Title
Adjunct Faculty
Children's & Family Ministry (M.A.) Bethel Seminary
I have served in the areas of children, youth, and family ministry and church leadership for over 30 years! My ministry contexts have included churches, camps, regional conferences, and teaching for three different seminaries: Bethel Seminary (St. Paul, MN), Evangelical Theological College (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia), and North Park Seminary (Chicago, IL). I am an ideator, strategist, and researcher at heart. I love to follow trends and discover new pathways for ministry. Coming alongside individuals and churches as a consultant, coach, and teacher is something I enjoy immensely. I have two adult children who are living their best lives and a very laid back yellow lab who behaves more like a cat than a dog! I love a good latte, walking through the woods in any season, and living with a sense of wonder in everything I do.
Started at Bethel
- University of Wisconsin - Madison - BA in English, History, and Medieval Studies, 1992
- North Park Theological Seminary - MA in Christian Education, 1995
- Bethel Seminary - DMin in Church Leadership, 2019
I started my ministry career working at summer camps during my college and seminary years. While working on my MA in Christian Education degree at North Park Seminary, I served two different churches as a youth pastor. I went on to serve two additional churches post-graduation for a total of 13 years in youth ministry. In 2005, I was called to serve a church as their pastor to kids and families. It was a good shift in ministry as I was a young mom with two kids, struggling with the demands of a youth ministry schedule! I have served two churches in the area of children and family ministry for a total of 18 years. In 2019, I graduated from Bethel Seminary with a DMin in Church Leadership with a focus in children and family ministry. I currently serve as a trainer for leaders in children and family ministry through teaching, consulting and speaking.
God's hand in my journey as a pastor and an educator has been evident through the years. Always a step (or more!) ahead of me, God has been gracious to open doors he wanted me to walk through and close doors that were not for me in that season. Ministry in all its forms has been rewarding and challenging, especially as it threads its way through family and personal life. I am grateful for all of it: the laughter, the tears, the challenges, the in-between spaces, and even the not-yet!
Courses Taught
Bethel Seminary
- Global and Missional Children's Ministry
- Pastoral Care for Children and Families
- Spiritual and Personal Formation
Evangelical Theological College
- Childhood in Cultural Context and Biblical Parenting
- Pastoral Care for Children and Families
North Park Seminary
- Leading and Teaching in the Church
- Intergenerational Communities: Children and Families in the Church
- Christian Education and Formation in the Church
Lilly Grant for Support for Nurturing Children Through Worship and Prayer Initiative II program (ECC, 2024)
LunchBox Development Grant (2023-24)
Recipient of the William A. Fretwell Memorial Thesis Award (Bethel, 2019)
Recipient of the Dissertation with Distinction Award (Bethel, 2019)
Disciple, Interrupted: Stories from Between the Lines (2023)
"Celebrating Life Milestones for Every Child and Family." Recharge Conference, MN (2014)
"How to Celebrate Life Transitions with Families." Recharge Conference, MN (2015)
"A Vision for Partnering with Parents." Projetto Archippo Ministry Conference, Parma, Italy (2017)
"Practical Ways to Participate in God's Story." Projetto Archippo Ministry Conference, Parma, Italy (2017)
"Celebrating Milestones." Projetto Archippo Ministry Conference, Parma, Italy (2017)
"Practical Insights for Ministry to Children and Families." Projetto Archippo Ministry Conference, Parma, Italy (2017)
"Building a Faith that Lasts." Recharge Conference, MN (2020)
"Mind the Gap: Building a Discipleship Strategy." Recharge Conference, MN (2023)
"Nurturing Life-Long Faith in the Rising Generations." Flourish Conference, Plymouth Covenant Church, MN (2024)
Certificates and Licenses
Certificate in Medieval Studies, Univeristy of Wisconsin - Madison (1992)
Ordained to Word and Service, Evangelical Covenant Church (2003)
Professional Organizations, Committees, and Boards
LunchBox, Inc.: online community for children and family ministry leaders (
Covenant Pines Ministries Board (2019-2024)
Research interests
Dissertation Topic: "Awana Together: Empowering Parents as Spiritual Mentors for their Children"
Teaching specialty
Children & Family Ministry, Church Leadership, Spiritual Formation
"As long as you have your sense of humor, everything will be okay." -my mom (Nancy Heacox)