James D. Smith III

Email: jd-smith@bethel.edu
Job Titles
Professor Emeritus of Church History
Doctor of Ministry, Bethel Seminary -
Adjunct Professor
Master of Divinity, Bethel Seminary
Church History; Historical Theology; Christian biography; Spiritual life & ministry; History of Missions; Women in the Christian Tradition; Henri Nouwen; baseball history
Started at Bethel
- San Diego State University - AB, 1972
- Bethel Seminary - M.Div., 1976
- Harvard Divinity School - Th.M., 1977
- Harvard University - Th.D., 1986
The Rev. Dr. James D. Smith III (A.B. San Diego State, M.Div. Bethel, Th.M., Th.D. Harvard) has practiced integrated ministry as pastor-teacher for 35+ years. At Bethel Seminary since 1988, he
now offers courses as Professor of Church History, Emeritus – and is Associate Pastor at La Jolla Christian Fellowship. He has lectured extensively at the University of San Diego (1993-2010),
offered classes at Eastern/Palmer Seminary (Philadelphia), Southern Seminary (Louisville) and is current faculty at Pacific Theological Seminary (San Diego) and Richmont Graduate University
(Atlanta). Globally, Jim has taught at Daystar University (Nairobi), in Latin America (including YWAM) and Arabia - and twice been visiting scholar at Regent’s Park College, Oxford University.
Ordained in 1978, ministry has brought seven pastoral positions, including senior/lead roles for BGC/Converge congregations in Boston, Minneapolis and San Diego - serving also in ABC and
PCUSA churches. Preaching on occasion at LJCF, he also enjoys ministering in other (often multi-cultural) fellowships.
As AAR, ASCH and CBE member, interests engage biography, spiritual life and ministry, history of missions and women in the Christian tradition. Serving as a Harvard Teaching Fellow with Henri Nouwen, Margaret R. Miles and Helmut Koester was truly formative!
Books co-edited are The Fabric of Early Christianity, The Subjective Eye, the Encyclopedia of Christian Literature, and the ECPA award-winning Dictionary of Christian Spirituality. In recent
years, he’s been a cited consultant in Justo Gonzalez’ revision of The Story of Christianity (2vol) and missional To All Nations, From All Nations - and also John Mulder’s Finding God: A Treasury
of Conversion Stories. Editorial board work on the Encyclopedia of Christian Education (3vol), and topical contributions to the Encyclopedia of Christianity in the United States (5 vol) expressed
lifetime interests. Long a contributor to Christian History magazine, some favorite projects have involved serving as advisory editor for “Christianity in Early Africa” (Issue 105) and, in 2022,
“Christian History through Images- 2000 Years of Art & Faith”(Issue 144). Over 200 contributions have appeared in historical, religious and sports (notably baseball: SABR) publications.
In 2015 (after re-publishing Julia Kavanagh’s historic 1852 Women of Christianity) came Lifetime Achievement recognition from Christians For Biblical Equality (CBE). Since then, he’s introduced
new editions of Harvard mentor George H. Williams’ Christian Attitudes Toward Nature and Wilderness & Paradise in Christian Thought. Personal 2017 highlights included a Beeson Divinity
School podcast honoring GHW with Timothy George, and addressing the Henri Nouwen-Thomas Merton Conference at Yale University. He published a new-edition English translation of Jean
Gerson’s medieval classic On Bringing Children to Jesus in 2018. This research informed his 2019 AAR Convention presentation: “Imitating Christ, Valuing Children, Advocating Human Rights.”
A 2020s focus: “All things are made by Him, for Him, and in Him all things hold together.” (Col 1)
As San Diego natives, Jim married Linda Westmoreland on July 4, 1972. They’ve been further blessed and stretched by three children and six grandchildren.
Courses Taught
Current Bethel rotation:
Core: Church History Survey; American Christianity; Christian Lives in History; Leading Celebrations in the Christian Life Cycle.
Electives: Christian Classics: History of Missions; History &Theology of Ministry; Women in the Christian Tradition; Henri Nouwen; Guided Research/Independent Studies
Academic Honors at SDSU, Bethel Seminary, Harvard. Professor Emeritus, Bethel University; Outstanding Faculty Award, USD Greeks; Lifetime Achievement Award from Christian for Biblical Equality (2015)
Co-edited: The Fabric of Early Christianity, The Subjective Eye, the Encyclopedia of Christian Literature and the Dictionary of Christian Spirituality. In recent years, key consultant in Justo Gonzalez' revision of The Story of Christianity (2vol) and missional To All Nations, From All Nations - and also John Mulder's Finding God: A Treasury of Conversion Stories. Over 150 additional published articles. Most recently served as editorial advisor for the Encyclopedia of Christian Education (3vol). Current projects include introducing new editions of Harvard mentor George H. Williams' Christian Attitudes Towards Nature and Wilderness & Paradise in Christian Thought.
Favorites include: "Marks of a Y's World Christian" YMCA International Convention (1990); "History of the Hispanic Church in the United States" BGC Asociacion Cultural Annual Mtg (1996); "An Evangelical Perspective" at Spirituality: Catholics, Orthodox & Evangelicals in Dialogue Conference (Fuller, 1998); "Reflections on Euzoius in Alexandria and Antioch" (Oxford, 1999), "Four Medieval Hymns and their Ellis Island Passage" Wheaton Hymnody Conference (2000), ""'The Kid Leaves Home:' Ted Williams and the 1938 Minneapolis Millers" SABR/Hall of Champions Conference (2003); "Hall of Fame Electronic Field Trip: 19th c Baseball" Cooperstown/ High Tech High Conference (2005); "From Religious Hostility to Hospitality: A Christian Perspective" Harvard Clubs Religious Extremism Convocation (2006); "The Protreptic Henri: Christian Witness as Hospitality" Nouwen 10th Anniversary Conference (Toronto, 2006); "A Forgotten Pioneer: Julia Kavanagh's Women of Christianity - 1852" CBE Convention (2007); "A Sermon Worth Hearing Twice (Jere. 8:22)" First Pres Springfield for Lincoln Bicentennial (2009),"Gottfried Arnold Speaks English" Pietism Conference (2009); "Orthodoxy at Fort Ross, 1812-1841" Settlement Bicentennial Conference (2012); "Dorothy Carey: Insights for Cross Cultural Workers" Evangelical Missiological Society Meetings (2013); "Christians Meeting Crises" (2015)
Certificates and Licenses
Ordained 1978 in Baptist General Conference/Converge (Calvary Baptist Church, Boston)
Professional Organizations, Committees, and Boards
American Academy of Religion; American Society of Church History; Christians for Biblical Equality; Society for American Baseball Research
Hobbies and Interests
Family; Baseball History; Geneaology; Travel
Areas of expertise
Church History; Historical Theology; Christian biography; Spiritual life & ministry; History of Missions; Women in the Christian Tradition; Henri Nouwen; baseball history
Matt. 13:52; I Thess. 5:21; Psalms 101:6; Col. 1:16-17; I Pet 4:10; Mark 14:1-9; John 1:14, 12:20-29; Micah 6:8; Gal 3:28