Angela Stoeckman

Job Titles

  • Professor of Chemistry
    Chemistry, College of Arts and Sciences
    Biochemistry College of Arts and Sciences


Angela is passionate about teaching chemistry and conducting undergraduate research. She is a member of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and the Hemingway Society.

Started at Bethel



  • Bethel University - B.S. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, B.A. in Chemistry, 1997
  • University of Minnesota - Ph.D. in Molecular, Cellular, Developmental Biology, and Genetics, 2003


Smith, E. R., Caulley, L. R., Storm, A. R., Hulse-Kemp, A. M., and Stoeckman, A. K. (2023). Gossypium hirsutum gene of unknown function Gohir.A03G007700.1 encodes a potential VAN3-binding protein with a phosphoinositide-binding site. microPublication Biology 10.17912/micropub.biology.000669.

Bolduc, K. C., McCollough, S. L., and Stoeckman, A. K. (2023). From Classroom to Clinic: Biochemistry Lab for Pre-Health Majors. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education 51, 10-14.

Dahlquist, K. J. V., Voth, L. C., Fee, A. J., and Stoeckman, A. K. (2020). An Autocrine Role for CXCL1 in Progression of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Anticancer Research 40, 6075-6081.

Stoeckman, A. K., Cai, Y., and Chapman, K. D. (2019). iCURE (iterative course-based undergraduate research experience): A case-study. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education 47, 565-572.

Listenberger, L., Townsend, E., Rickertsen, C., Hains, A., Brown, E., Inwards, E. G., Stoeckman, A. K., Matis, M. P., Sampathkumar, R. S., Osna, N. A., and Kharbanda, K. K. (2018). Decreasing Phosphatidylcholine on the Surface of the Lipid Droplet Correlates with Altered Protein Binding and Steatosis. Cells 7, 230-244.

Wolins, N. E., DeHaan, K. N., Cifarelli, V., and Stoeckman, A. K. (2018). Normalized Neutral Lipid Quantitation by Flow Cytometry. Journal of Lipid Research 59, 1294-1300.

Stoeckman, A. K. (2018). Challenging Undergraduate Students with Experimental Research-Oriented Questions. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Design 1, 1.

van de Veerdonk, F. L., Stoeckman, A. K., Wu, G., Boeckermann, A. N., Azam, T., Netea, M. G., Joosten, L. A., van der Meer, J. W., Hao, R., Kalabokis, V., and Dinarello, C. A. (2012). IL-38 Binds to the IL-36 Receptor and has Biological Effects on Immune Cells Similar to IL-36 Receptor Antagonist. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 109, 3001-3005.

Stoeckman, A. K., Baechler, E. C., Ortmann, W. A., Behrens, T. W., Michet, C. J., Peterson, E. J. (2006). A Distinct Inflammatory Gene Expression Profile In Patients With Psoriatic Arthritis. Genes and Immunity. 7, 583-591.

Stoeckman, A. K., Ma, L., and Towle, H. C. (2004). Mlx is the Functional Heteromeric Partner of ChREBP in Glucose Regulation of Lipogenic Enzyme Genes. Journal of Biological Chemistry 279, 15662-15669.

Wu, C., Okar, D. A., Stoeckman, A. K., Peng, L.-J., Herrera, A. H., Herrera, J. E., Towle, H. C., and Lange, A. J. (2004). A Potential Role for Fructose-2,6-Bisphosphate in the Stimulation of Hepatic Glucokinase Gene Expression. Endocrinology 145, 650-658.

Stoeckman, A. K. and Towle, H. C. (2002). The Role of SREBP-1c in Nutritional Regulation of Lipogenic Enzyme Gene Expression. Journal of Biological Chemistry 277, 27029-27035.

Koo, S.-H., Dutcher, A. K., and Towle, H. C. (2001). Glucose and Insulin Function through Two Distinct Transcription Factors to Stimulate Expression of Lipogenic Enzyme Genes in Liver. Journal of Biological Chemistry 276, 9437-9445.

Davey, G. M., Schober, S. L., Endrizzi, B. T., Dutcher, A. K., Jameson, S. C., Hogquist, K. A. (1998). Preselection Thymocytes Are More Sensitive to T Cell Receptor Stimulation Than Mature T Cells. Journal of Experimental Medicine 188, 1867-1874.


Presented Research Poster at the January 2023 "Plant Lipids: Structure, Metabolism, and Function" Gordon Conference held in Galveston, TX. "Packaging of Cyclopropyl Fatty Acids in Cotton Root Lipid Droplets."

Presented Research Poster at the June 2019 "Chemistry Education Research and Practice" Gordon Conference held in Lewiston, ME. "iCURE: Iterative Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience."

Presented Research Poster at the April 2017 ASBMB Experimental Biology annual meeting held in Chicago, IL. "Independent Measurements of Lipids in a Mixed Population."

Presented Research Poster at the August 2005 “Immunochemistry and Immunobiology” Gordon Conference held at Queen’s College in Oxford, England. “The Role of a Variant Lymphoid Phosphatase in T Cell Development and Function.”

Presented Research Poster at The Endocrine Society’s 84th annual meeting (June 2002) held in San Francisco, CA. “The Role of SREBP-1c in Nutritional Regulation of Lipogenic Enzyme Gene Expression.”

Presented Research Poster at the 1999 ASBMB Fall Symposium “Nutritional Control of Gene Transcription” held in Taos, NM. “Regulation of Uncoupling Protein-2 in the Hepatocyte by Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids.”

Research interests

Angela is interested in the regulation of lipid metabolism. Lipids are not only involved in the generation of ATP/energy, but they are important signaling molecules and inflammatory mediators. Her research models include mammalian cell lines (AML-12, H4IIE, HepG2, THP-1) and plants (Arabidopsis, Cotton, and Tobacco).