Mark Strauss

Job Titles
University Professor of New Testament
Master of Divinity, Bethel Seminary
M.A. (Theological Studies), Bethel Seminary
Dr. Strauss is the author/coauthor of 20 books and many articles, and editor/co-editor of 40 volumes, with expertise in Gospels, Hermeneutics and Bible Translation. He also serves as Vice Chair of the Committee on Bible Translation for the New International Version and as an associate editor for the NIV Study Bible.
Started at Bethel
- University of Aberdeen - Ph.D. , 1992
- Talbot School of Theology - Th.M., 1988
- Talbot School of Theology - M.Div., 1985
Dr. Strauss is the author/coauthor of 20 books and many articles, and editor/co-editor of about 40 volumes, with expertise in Gospels, Hermeneutics and Bible Translation. He serves as Vice Chair of the Committee on Bible Translation for the New International Version and as an associate editor for the NIV Study Bible. He is also Bible study teacher at the Church at Rancho Bernardo and serves on the board of Bible Study Fellowship. Mark's wife Roxanne is a marriage and family therapist; they have three grown children.
Courses Taught
- Greek
- Hermeneutics
- New Testament Survey
- Exegetical Explorations
- NT Electives
40 Questions on Bible Translation. Grand Rapids: Kregel. 2023.
Concise Biblical Commentary on the Gospel of Mark. The Gospel Coalition. Online. 2022.
Four Portraits, One Jesus. A Survey of Jesus and the Gospels. Second Edition. Grand Rapids: Zondervan 2007; 2nd ed. 2020.
Leadership in Christian Perspective. Biblical Foundations and Contemporary Perspectives for Servant Leaders.With Justin A. Irving. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2019.
Baker Compact Dictionary of Biblical Studies, with Tremper Longman III. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2018.
The Heart of God Teen Study Bible. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2019. General editor and contributing author.
Introducing Jesus. A Short Guide to the Gospels' History and Message. Grand Rapids: Zondervan;, 2018.
Baker Compact Dictionary of Biblical Studies. With Tremper Longman III. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2018.
The Biblical Greek Companion for Bible Software Users. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2016.
Jesus Behaving Badly. The Puzzling Paradoxes of the Man from Downers Grove IL: InterVarsity, 2015.
Gospel of Mark. Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament, Vol. 2. Grand Rapids: Zondervan; 2014. Nominee for ECPA 2015 Reference book of the year.
How to Read the Bible in Changing Times. Understanding and Applying God's Word Today. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2011.
The Expanded Bible. With Tremper Longman and Daniel Taylor. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2011. Contributing Scholar & New Testament Editor,
The Gospel of Mark, with Walter Wessel, in The Expositor's Bible Commentary. Revised Edition, vol. 9: pp. 671-989. Gen. eds. Tremper Longman III & David E. Garland. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2010.
NLT Study Series: John. Meet God Face to Face, with Gary M. Burge; gen. ed. Sean A. Harrison. Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House, 2009.
Four Portraits, One Jesus Workbook. Guided Reading Projects and Exercises in the Gospels. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2015.
How to Choose a Translation for All Its Worth. A Guide to Understanding and Using Bible Versions, with Gordon D. Fee. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2007.
The Essential Bible Companion, with John H. Walton and Ted Cooper Jr. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2006.
Truth & Error in the Da Vinci Code. The Facts about Jesus and Christian Origins. San Diego: Alethinos Books, 2006.
"Luke," in The Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary, Vol. 1, pp. 318-515. en. ed., Clinton Arnold; Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2002.Republished as stand-alone volume, 2007.
Distorting Scripture? The Challenge of Bible Translation and Gender Accuracy. Downers Grove, IL.: InterVarsity, 1998. Rpt. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2011.
The Davidic Messiah in Luke-Acts. The Promise and its Fulfillment in Lukan Christology. JSNTSup; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1995.
Articles (print or web published)
“The World’s Most Popular Bible: A History of the New International Version (NIV)” in Word by Word blog, Logos Bible Software.
“I. H. Marshall’s Luke: Historian and Theologian: Fifty Years Later,” Evangelical Quarterly 16 Jun 2022
“Messiah,” “Exile and Restoration,” in Baker Dictionary of the Old Testament Use of the New. Eds. Gregory K. Beale, D. A. Carson, Ben D. Gladd, Andrew D. Naselli. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2022.
“Mission and Evangelism in the Gospels,” Pp. 333–46 in A Handbook on the Jewish Roots of the Gospels. Eds. Craig A. Evans and David Mishkin. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 2022.
“Epistemology and the Spirit in Biblical and Philosophical Perspective.” Pp. 73–87 in The Spirit Says: Inspiration and Interpretation in Israelite, Jewish, and Early Christian Texts. Edited by Ronald Herms, John R. Levison and Archie T. Wright. De Gruyter, 2021.
“Narrowing the Gap: Feedback Loops Using Native Language Consultants to Refine Machine Generated (AI) Translations.” In Faithfully Rendering God’s Word: Artificial Intelligence, Cultural Bias and the Future of Faithful Bible Translation. Eds. Greg Forster and Samuel E. Chiang. Credo House Publishers, 2020.
“The Book of Acts,” “Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus,” “Jerusalem Temple,” “The Jewish Synagogue,” in The Baker Illustrated Bible Background Commentary. Eds. J. Scott Duval and J. Daniel Hays. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2020.
“Mark 15:1-39: Liturgy of the Passion,” Mark 16:1-8: Resurrection of the Lord, “1 Corinthians 15:1-11: The Resurrection of the Lord,” in Connections: A Lectionary Commentary, Year B, Volume 1: Westminster John Knox, 2020.
“Cultivating Humility in an Age of Celebrity Leaders,” with Justin A. Irving, Influence Magazine; Nov/Dec 2019.
"A Review of the Christian Standard Bible (CSB)," Themelios 44.2 (2019): 258–77.
"The Disciples and Discipleship in Mark's Gospel," in Following Jesus Christ: The New Testament Message of Discipleship for Today. FS Michael J. Wilkins. Edited by John K. Goodrich & Mark L. Strauss. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2019.
"Typological Geography and the Progress of the Gospel in Acts," in Lexham Geographical Commentary on Acts through Revelation (Lexham Press, 2018).
"The Rival King," Bible Study Magazine, November/December, 2018.
"Psalms of Solomon 17 and Mark 12:28-44: The Messiah's Surprising Identity and Role," in Ben C. Blackwell, John K. Goodrich, and Jason Maston, eds., Reading Mark in Context: Jesus and Second Temple Judaism. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2018.
"The Evangelism Mandate," Point Magazine of Converge, May 2018.
"Sage Advice: The Joy of Scholarship," Didaktikos Journal, Vol. 2.1 (July 2018); "Sage Advice: The Joy of Teaching," Didaktikos Journal, Vol. 2.2 (Sep. 2018); "Sage Advice: The Joy of Mentoring," Didaktikos Journal, Vol. 2.3 (Nov. 2018); "Sage Advice: The Joy of Ministry," Didaktikos Journal, Vol. 2.4 (Jan. 2019); "Sage Advice: The Joy of Administration," Didaktikos Journal, Vol. 2.5 (Mar. 2019).
"Pedagogy: Making each class an 'event,'" Didaktikos Journal, Vol. 1.2, March 2018, pp. 32-33.
"Reading Paul's Letters," Discovery Series of Our Daily Bread Ministries,forthcoming
"Reading the Book of Acts," Discovery Series of Our Daily Bread Ministries,2018.
"Reading the Gospels," Discovery Series of Our Daily Bread Ministries, 2017.
"The Redemption of Fallen Humanity. Theological Anthropology & Mark's Narrative World," pp. 83-98 in Jason Maston and Benjamin E. Reynolds, eds., Anthropology and New Testament Theology. Library of New Testament Studies. London et al.: T & T Clark, 2018.
"Luke: The Gospel of the Savior for Lost People Everywhere," The Bible Project. https:/ 2017
"John: The Gospel of the Eternal Son Who Reveals the Father," The Bible Project. 2017
"Mark: The Gospel of the Servant Messiah," The Bible Project. 2017
"Matthew: Jesus is the Promised Messiah," The Bible Project. 2017
"Discovering the Old Testament in the Gospels," in Understanding the Gospels: A Guide for Teaching and Preaching. FS Darrell Bock; Kregel, 2017.
"Mark's Passion Narrative," Bible Study Magazine, March/April, 2017.
"The Anti-Disciples," Bible Study Magazine, May/June, 2016.
"The Parable of the Prodigal: Start-to-Finish Bible Study," Bible Study Magazine, May/June, 2014.
"Christology and Christological Purpose in the Synoptic Gospels: A Study of Unity in Diversity," pp. 41-62 in Reconsidering the Relationship between Biblical and Systematic Theology in the New Testament. FS R. H. Gundry; eds. Brian Lugioyo, Benjamin Reynolds, Kevin Vanhoozer, Wissenschaftlichee Untersuchungen zum Neuen Teestament 2. Reihe 369; Mohr Siebeck, 2014.
"Pharisees," and "Crowds," in Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels. Revised Edition. eds., J. Green, J. Brown, N. Perrin; Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity; 2013.
"Gender-language Issues in the NIV 2011. A Response to Vern Poythress," Westminster Journal of Theology, 2012.
"Jesus and the Spirit in Biblical and Theological Perspective: Messianic Empowering, Saving Wisdom, and the Limits of Biblical Theology," pp. 266-84 in The Spirit and Christ in the New Testament & Christian Theology. FS Max Turner; eds. Cornelis Bennema & I. H. Marshall; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2012.
"An Overview of the Life of Christ," "What Is a Gospel and Why are there Four Gospels?" "The Inspiration of the Bible," "The Twelve Disciples of Jesus," "Jewish Sabbath Observances," in The Baker Illustrated Bible Handbook. Ed. J. Daniel Hays and J. Scott Duvall; Grand Rapids: Baker, 2011.
"The Purpose of Luke-Acts. Reaching a Consensus," pp. 135-150 in New Testament Theology in Light of the Church's Mission: Essays in Honor of I. Howard Marshall. Eds. Ray Van Neste and Jon Laansma; Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2011.
"Bible Translation and the Myth of 'Literal Accuracy'," Review and Expositor vol. 108 no. 2 (Spring, 2011), 169-193.
"Lukan Spirituality," in Dictionary of Christian Spirituality. Gen. Ed. Glen G. Scorgie; Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2011.
"Reflections on Moving beyond the Bible to Theology," pp. 271-298 in Four Views on Moving Beyond the Bible to Theology. Gen. ed. Gary T. Meadors; Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2009.
"Gospels," in Encyclopedia of Christian Literature. Eds. George Kurian and James Smith. Scarecrow, 2009.
"Versions of the Bible, English," in The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible. Rev. ed.; Ed. Moises Silva. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2009.
"What Baptists Believe about the Holy Spirit," Converge Point, March, 2009.
"Rolling out the Dead Sea Scrolls," Heart and Mind, vol. 21, no. 1, Winter 2008, pp. 18-22.
Introduction and Study Notes for the Gospel of Luke for the NLT Study Bible. Wheaton: Tyndale House, 2008.
"Is There Such a Thing as a Complegalitarian?" 2008
"A Biblical Perspective on Homosexuality," with Peter Vogt, Heart and Mind (Spring, 2006).
"Introducing the Bible," "New Testament Theology" and "Acts," pp. 1-17; 167-76; 207-13 in The IVP Introduction to the Bible. Story, themes, interpretation (ed. Philip Johnston; Downer Grove, IL: Inter-Varsity Press, 2006).
"Form, Function and the Literal Meaning Fallacy in English Bible Translation," The Bible Translator, vol. 56 n. 3 (July 2005), 153-168.
"Understanding Bible Translation." Introductory essay in the Essential Evangelical Parallel Bible. Ed. John Kohlenberger; Oxford University Press, 2005.
"Understanding New Testament Translation." Introductory essay in the Evangelical Parallel Bible. Ed. John Kohlenberger; Oxford University Press, 2003.
"Current Issues in the Gender-Language Debate. A brief response to Vern Poythress and Wayne Grudem," in The Challenge of Bible Translation: Communicating God's Word to the World. Essays in Honor of Ronald F. Youngblood. Eds. Glen G. Scorgie, Mark L. Strauss, Steven M. Voth; Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2003.
"The TNIV Debate. Is this new translation faithful in its treatment of gender?" Christianity Today, Vol. 46, No. 11 (Oct. 7, 2002), 36-45.
"The TNIV and Gender-Accurate Language," Light Magazine, July 2002, 12-15.
"David," in New Dictionary of Biblical Theology. Eds. T. D. Alexander and B. S. Rosner. Leicester, U.K.: Inter-Varsity Press, 2000.
"The Inclusive Language Debate: How Should the Bible Be Translated Today?" Christian Research Journal Vol. 22, No. 4, 2000.
Various articles for Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible, ed. David Noel Freedman ("Gabriel," "Sergius Paulus," "Claudius Lysias, "Julius,"), 2000.
"Are Earthquakes Signs of the End Times? A Geological and Biblical Response to an Urban Legend," Christian Research Journal Vol. 21, No. 4; 1999.
"Linguistic and Hermeneutical Fallacies in the Guidelines Established at the 'Conference on Gender-Related Language in Scripture'," JETS 41/2 (June 1998) 239-262.
Editorial Roles
Co-Editor with Gary Schnittjer, Connections Series Survey Textbooks (B&H 2023 –).
Co-Editor with Tremper Longman III, Baker Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2022.
Co-Editor with John K. Goodrich, Following Jesus Christ: The New Testament Message of Discipleship for Today. FS Michael J. Wilkins. Grand Rapids: Kregel, forthcoming.
General Editor, The Heart of God Student Bible. Grand Rapids: Baker, forthcoming.
General Editor (New Testament), Teach the Text Commentary Series (Grand Rapids: Baker; in production; 6 volumes released).
New Testament Editor, Baker Bible Dictionary (Grand Rapids: Baker; 2013).
Associate Editor for Narrative, Zondervan Exegetical Commentary Series (gen. ed., Clinton Arnold; Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2010-present).
Contributing Scholar & New Testament Editor, The Expanded Bible (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2011).
Associate Editor, The NIV Study Bible (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2008; 2011).
Scholar-Editor for Deepening Life Together Bible Study Curriculum Series (Grand Rapids: Baker & Life Together: 2007-11), including volumes and DVD curriculum on "James," "John," "Parables," Romans," "Sermon on the Mount," "Paul," "Praying God's Way," Psalms," "Ruth," "Fruit of the Spirit," "Acts," "Revelation," "Promises of God," and "Ephesians."
Consulting Editor, QuickNotes, Simplified Bible Commentary Series. 5 volumes (Barbour, 2008).
General Editor, Remarriage after Divorce. Three Views (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2005).
Review and revision of the New Century Version, with Tremper Longman III and Daniel Taylor (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2004-2005).
Technical Reviewer, The Compete Idiot's Guide to Mary Magdalene, by Lesa Bellevie (New York: Alpha Books, 2005).
General Editor, with Glen G. Scorgie and Steven M. Voth, The Challenge of Bible Translation. Communicating God's Word to the World. Essays in Honor of Ronald F. Youngblood (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2003).
Video Productions
Gospel of John Videos, BSF Teacher Training, 2023. 30 10-minute videos on the Gospel of John
Gospel of Mark Video Series. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2021.
NIV Study Bible, 5-7 minute videos on all NT books. Posted on Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2020.
Genesis Videos, BSF Teacher Training, 2020. 20 20-minute videos on the book of Genesis
Teacher, The Gospel of John: Finding Identity and Purpose. 12 Session DVD Study. Matt Williams, editor. Rose Publishing, 2019. “Called to Healing Work: Healing the Paralytic John 5:1-18”; “Called to Serve in Love: Last Supper John 13:1-17.”
Video Lectures for Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart. How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, forthcoming).
Video Lectures for Four Portraits, One Jesus. A Complete Course for the Beginner. 20 Lessons on 3 DVDs (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2015).
Teacher, Deepening Life Together: Paul (Grand Rapids: Baker & Life Together: 2011).
Teacher, Deepening Life Together: Psalms (Grand Rapids: Baker & Life Together: 2011).
Teacher, Deepening Life Together: Parables (Grand Rapids: Baker & Life Together: 2009).
Teacher, The Forgiveness of Jesus: Six In-depth Studies Connecting the Bible to Life (Deeper Connections) Matt Williams, editor (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2009).
Teacher, The Life of Jesus: Six In-depth Studies Connecting the Bible to Life (Deeper Connections) Matt Williams, editor (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2009).
Teacher, Last Days of Jesus: Six In-depth Studies Connecting the Bible to Life (Deeper Connections) Matt Williams, editor (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2009).
Teacher, Miracles of Jesus: Six In-depth Studies Connecting the Bible to Life (Deeper Connections); Matt Williams, editor (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2007).
Teacher, The Prayers of Jesus: Six In-depth Studies Connecting the Bible to Life (Deeper Connections) Matt Williams, editor (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2007).
Teacher, The Parables of Jesus: Six In-depth Studies Connecting the Bible to Life (Deeper Connections) Matt Williams, editor (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2007).
Participant Scholar in multiple Third Millennium Productions (2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014): Hermeneutics, Gospels, Historical Jesus, Revelation, Hebrews, Biblical Theology, etc.
Participant in The Case for Christ, by Lee Strobel (Revelation Studios, 2007).
The Bible in 90 Days, with John H. Walton and Ted Cooper, Jr. (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2005)
What Is Bible Translation? (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2006).
Bible Translation and the TNIV (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2006).
Participant in Discussing the Da Vinci Code, by Lee Strobel and Garry Poole (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2006).
Book Reviews
Review of Jonathan Rivett Robinson, Markan Typology: Miracles, Scripture and Christology in Mark 4:35- 6:45. LNTS 678. London: T&T Clark, 2023 in the Journal of Gospels and Acts Research
Review of Simon Gathercole, The Gospel and the Gospels. Christian Proclamation and Early Jesus Books. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2022, xxiv 576 pp. JETS
Review of Exodus in the New Testament. Edited by Seth M. Ehorn. Library of New Testament Studies 663. London: T & T Clark, 2022. xii + 259 pp. in Themelios
Review of Robert P. Menzies, Christ-Centered: The Evangelical Nature of Pentecostal Theology. Eugene Oregon: Cascade, 2020. Pneuma: Journal of Pentecostal Theology 44.1 2022, pp. 146–51.
Review of Patrick Schreiner, Matthew, Disciple and Scribe. The First Gospel and Its Portrait of Jesus. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2019. Themelios 45.1 (2020)
Review of Richard A. Burridge, Four Ministries, One Jesus: Exploring Your Vocation with the Four Gospels. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2019. JETS 63.1, pp. 190-92.
Review of Brian J. Wright, Communal Reading in the Time of Jesus. A Window into Early Christian Reading Practices. Minneapolis: Fortress, 2017. JETS forthcoming.
Review of Michael R. Licona, Why Are There Differences in the Gospels? What we can learn from ancient biography. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. Themelios
Review of Sarah Harris, The Davidic Shepherd King in the Lukan Narrative. London: Bloomsbury T & T Clark, 2016. JETS
Review of David L. Balch. Contested Ethnicities and Images: Studies in Acts and Art. WUNT 345. Tubingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2015. BBR 27.1
Review of Francis Watson, The Fourfold Gospel: A Theological Reading of the New Testament Portraits of Jesus (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2016), Themelios
Review of David A. deSilva. Day of Atonement. A Novel of the Maccabean Revolt (Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2015), Themelios
Review of Michael F. Bird, The Gospel of the Lord. How the Early Church Wrote the Story of Jesus. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2014, Themelios
Review of Holly Beers, The Followers of Jesus as the 'Servant': Luke's model from Isaiah for the Disciples in Luke-Acts (London, New Delhi, New York, Sydney: Bloomsbury T & T Clark, 2015); BBR
Review of Sean Freyne. The Jesus Movement and Its Expansion. Meaning and Mission (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2014), BBR
Review of Craig Keener, Acts: An Exegetical Commentary (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2012-2015). "Keener on the Theology of Acts," Trinity Journal.
Review of Alex Damm, Ancient Rhetoric and The Synoptic Problem. Clarifying Markan Priority. (Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium 252; Leuven, Paris, Walpole, MA: Peeters, 2013), BBR
Review of Jocelyn McWhirter, Rejected Prophets. Jesus and His Witnesses in Luke-Acts (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2013), JETS 58.1 (March 2015)
Review of Michael F. Bird, Jesus Is the Christ: The Messianic Testimony of the Gospels. Downers Grove: IVP Academic, 2012) JETS 57.1 (March 2014).
Review of David G. Burke, ed., Translation that Openeth the Window: Reflections on the History and Legacy of the King James Bible (Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge; Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2009), Expository Times, vol. 123 no. 10 (July 2012),
Review of The Content and Setting of the Gospel Tradition (edited by Mark Harding and Alanna Nobbs; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2010), Themelios.
Review of Timothy Wiarda, Interpreting Gospel Narratives. Scenes, People, and Theology (Nashville, Tennessee: B & H Academic, 2010); JETS
Review of Darrell Bock, Acts (Baker Exegetical Commentary; Grand Rapids: Baker, 2007); JETS.
Review of Joel Marcus. Mark 8-16: A New Translation and Commentary (New Haven & London: Yale University Press, 2009); BBR 20.2, (2010): 271-272.
Review of James Crossley, The Date of Mark's Gospel (JSNTSup 266; Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 2004); BBR 18.1 (2008), 150-51.
Review of Richard N. Longenecker, ed. Contours of Christology in the New Testament (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2005); BBR 17.2 (2007): 372-375.
Review of Scot McKnight, Jesus and His Death. Historiography, the Historical Jesus, and Atonement Theory (Waco, Texas: Baylor University Press, 2005); BBR. 17.2, (2007): 360-361
Review of Francois Bovon, Studies in Early Christianity (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2005); BBR 17.1 (2007), 169-70.
Review of Reading Luke. Interpretation, Reflection, Formation (eds. Craig G. Bartholomew, Joel B. Green, Anthony C. Thiselton; Scripture and Hermeneutics Series, Volume 6; Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2005); JETS 49.3 (Sept. 2006), 600-603.
Review of Leland Ryken, The Word of God in English. Criteria for Excellence in Bible Translation (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2002); JETS 46.4 (Dec. 2003), 738-740.
Review of Joseph M. Webb and Robert Kysar, Greek for Preacher (St. Louis, MO: Chalice, 2002); Religious Studies Review,
Review of Irina Levinskaya, The Book of Acts in Its Diaspora Setting (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1996); JETS 42.2 (June 1999), 363-364.
Review of Robert Brawley, Text to Text Pours Forth Speech. Voices of Scripture in Luke-Acts (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1995), JETS 42.1 (March 1999), 148-150.
Review of Moises Silva, Explorations in Exegetical Method. Galatians as a Test Case (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1996), JETS 42.3 (Sept. 1999), 513-514.
Review of John W. Cooper, Our Father in Heaven. Christian Faith and Inclusive Language for God (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1998), Themelios, 25.2 (1999), 91-93
Review of Holy Bible. New Living Translation (Wheaton, IL: Tyndale, 1996), JETS 40.3 (Sept. '97), 459-461.
Review of Brian S. Rosner, Paul, Scripture & Ethics. A Study of 1 Corinthians 5-7 (Leiden: Brill, 1994), JETS 38.2 (June '95), 291-293.
Review of George H. Guthrie, The Structure of Hebrews: A Text-Linguistic Analysis (Leiden: Brill, 1994), JETS vol. 38, no. 3 (Sept. '95), 450-452.
PhD Examinations
External examiner for PhD dissertation for Woojin Chung, Matthew's Use of the Old Testament in His Infancy Narrative: The Analysis of the Formulaic Quotations in Matthew 1-2 in Light of Translation Criticism, McMaster Divinity College, 2016
External examiner for PhD dissertation for Caleb Friedeman, The Revelation of the Messiah:The Christological Mystery of Luke 1-2 and Its Unveiling in Luke-Acts, Wheaton Graduate School, 2018
Keynote Speaker, Converge Rocky Mountain Annual Conference, Denver, CO, March 15-16, 2019; "A Biblical Response to the Polarizing Political and Ethical of Our Day: Part One: Catching God's Vision for the World (Luke 4:16-30); Part Two: Modeling Servant Leadership (Mark 10:35-45).
Instructor, Young Life Winter Training (Gospels and Acts; New Testament Survey); St. Augustine, Florida and Fort Walton, Florida. January, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019.
Speaker, Central Asian MAF Leadership Retreat, Feb 8-12, 2018. Malaga, Spain
Keynote Speaker, "Gospel of Mark," Haddon Robinson Preaching Retreat, Geneva Lake, MI, May 15-18, 2018.
Keynote Speaker, "Luke-Acts, Let's Know the Bible Conference, Winona Lake, IN, Sept 6-9, 2018 .
"The Resurrection of Jesus," Highpoint Church, 4/4/ 2018
"Jesus Behaving Badly: The puzzling paradoxes of the man from Galilee." Various venues: A Night on Mars Hill, North Coast Calvary Chapel, 4/28/17; Distinguished Lecture Series, Bethel Seminary San Diego, 3/11/16; World-changer Series, Bethel University, 11/5/15.
"Gospel of Mark," Rock Church Pastoral Support Team (multi-week series given in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017)
"Was Jesus a Revolutionary?" Hong Kong, Timothy Training Institute Lecture Series, 7/7/16
"Failed Prophet or Son of God? Who was the real Jesus?" Emmanuel Faith Community Church, 9/11/2015
"Romans: The Righteousness of God," Newbreak, 7-8/2015
"Lost Christianities? Misquoting Jesus? Contradictions in the Gospels? Truth & Error in the Claims of Bart Ehrman"; A Night on Mars Hill, North Coast Calvary Chapel, 10/1211/14/14
"Ideology and Bible Translation. Part 1: Evangelicals & the Ethics of Translation"; "Ideology and Bible Translation. Part 2: Gender Language & the Nature of Scripture," Beekman Lectures, Bible Translation 2015 Conference, October 15/16-20, 2014; Dallas, Texas
"The Relative Merits of Alterity and Accessibility in Contemporary Bible Translation." Plenary address for the Nida Institute at the annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Chicago, IL, November 18, 2012.
"Reading the Bible with Heart and Mind," A Night on Mars Hill, North Coast Calvary Chapel, 10/12/12
"The Book of Acts," Rock Church Pastoral Support Team (multi-week series given in Spring, 2012).
"Translation as Communication: The holistic and inferential nature of language and its implications for contemporary Bible translation." Plenary Address at the Australian and New Zealand Association of Theological Schools (ANZATS) Annual Meeting. Wesley College, University of Sydney, Australia, July 4, 2011.
"Gender Wars & Bible Translation: A report from the trenches." Plenary Address at the ANZATS Annual Meeting. Wesley College, University of Sydney, Australia, July 5, 2011.
"The King James Version and the Politics of Bible Translation." Plenary Address at the Moore College Library Lectures: Simplicity & Integrity. The King James Version of the Bible in the Church and the World. Moore College, Sydney, Australia, July 6, 2011.
"How to Read the Bible in Changing Times," A Night on Mars Hill, North Coast Calvary Chapel, 2/11
"Christology and the Spirit." Paper presented at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society.
"Reading the Bible with the Emergent Church: What can we learn from emergent thinkers about the nature and function of Scripture?" Presidential Address, 2009 Far West Regional Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society; San Diego Christian College, April 17, 2009.
"The Resurrection of Jesus Christ." Presentation given at A Night on Mars Hill, North Coast Calvary Chapel, March 13, 2009.
"Why the English Standard Version should not become the Standard English Version," Evangelical Theological Society annual meeting, Providence, RI, Nov. 2008.
"The Shack." Presentation given at multiple venues, 2008-2009.
"Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls." Presentation given at multiple venues, 2007.
"The Nature of Bible Translation," Presentation given at multiple venues, 2004-present.
"Bible Translation and the TNIV." Presentation given at multiple venues, 2005-present.
"The Da Vinci Code: Fact or Fiction?" Presentation given at multiple venues, 2004-2006
"Do literal Bible versions show greater respect for plenary inspiration? (A response to Wayne Grudem)," Evangelical Theological Society annual meeting, Philadelphia, Nov. 2005.
"Which Translation Should I Use? What Every Student, Layperson, Pastor (and Seminary Professor) Needs to Know About Bible Translation," Far West Regional Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, Bethel Seminary San Diego, April 23 2004.
"The Jesus Seminar on the Miracles of Jesus. Summary and Assessment." Synoptics Section, ETS annual meeting, Atlanta, Nov. 2003.
"Form, Function and the Literal Meaning Fallacy in English Bible Translation." Denver Seminary conference on Contextualization, Feb. 1, 2003; also given at annual ETS meeting, Atlanta, Nov. 2003.
"The Isaianic New Exodus. A Pervasive Theme in the Gospels and Acts." ETS annual meeting, Toronto, Canada, Nov. 2002.
"The Abused Genitive. Mistranslations of the Genitive in Some Literal Bible Translations," Far West Regional Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, Bethel Seminary San Diego, April, 2001.
"Evangelical Theology for the Third Millennium: Truth and Relevance," Presidential address at the Far West Regional Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, Talbot School of Theology, April 23, 1999.
"Inclusive Language in Bible Translation," Presented at the Northwest Regional meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, Western Seminary, April 10, 1999.
"Gender Bias and Bible Translation: The Need for Accuracy." Paper presented at Far-West regional ETS meeting at The Master's Seminary, April 26, 1996.
"User-Friendly Hermeneutics." Paper presented at Bethel Seminary, St. Paul, Spring, 1994.
"The Missionary Writings of Luke." Paper presented to Japanese Pastors Rengo Conference, Bethel Seminary San Diego, Spring, 1994.
"The Servant of the Lord: The Glory of Israel and a Light for the Nations." Paper presented to the Church Renewal Institute, Bethel Seminary San Diego, Fall, 1994.
"The Literary and Theological Unity of Luke-Acts: Definitions, Examples and Implications." Paper presented at ETS annual meeting, Washington, D.C., November, 1993.
Professional Organizations, Committees, and Boards
Member & Vice-Chair, Committee on Bible Translation (CBT) for the New International Version, 2004-present.
Member, Society of Biblical Literature (SBL)
Member, Institute for Biblical Research (IBR)
Member, Evangelical Theological Society (Far West Region officer: secretary-treasurer, 1997, 2006; vice president, 1998, 2007; president, 1999, 2008)
Board member, Bible Study Fellowship, 2019-present
Board member, Rock Church, San Diego, 2012-2022
Board member, International Bible Society (now Biblica), 2005-2009
Board member, San Diego Christian Forum, 1996-2004
Program Committee, ETS, 2007-2011.
Steering Committee, Synoptic Gospels ETS Study Group, 2007-
Steering Committee and sometime Chair, Luke-Acts ETS Study Group, 2007-present
Steering Committee, Evangelicals and Gender ETS Study Group, 2002-2004
Areas of expertise
New Testament, Greek, Bible Translation, and Hermeneutics