Mark Thorson
Job Title
Associate Professor
Associate of Arts (A.A.) College of Adult and Professional Studies
Culturally Competent General education for Adult Learners GENS110 Succeeding in College GENS130 Successful Writing GENS135 Workplace Writing GENS150: Reading and Responding to the Arts ENGL214: Film and Modern Myth BUS208 Writing for Business and Industry GENS225 Academic Research Writing GENS240 Christianity and Civilizations BUS304 Business Communication
Started at Bethel
- University of Minnesota - PhD, 1987
GENS110 Succeeding in College
GENS130 Successful Writing
GENS135 Workplace Writing
GENS150: Reading and Responding to the Arts
ENGL214: Film and Modern Myth
BUS208 Writing for Business and Industry
GENS225 Academic Research Writing
GENS240 Christianity and Civilizations
BUS304 Business Communication
Teaching specialty
Culturally Competent General education for Adult Learners
And all shall be well and All manner of thing shall be well. -- Julian of Norwich