Geri Von Grey

Job Title
Associate Professor of Education
Education, College of Arts and Sciences
Professor VonGrey has been in the field of education for over 25 years. She has spent many years teaching in various schools including public, private, Montessori, and International school contexts. She began her work at Bethel in 2012 and works with Elementary Education majors. Her interests include best practices in social studies education, integrating educational psychology, social-emotional learning, and trauma-informed teaching practices. Additionally, she is interested in supporting students in creating strong pedagogical and reflective processes to deepen their knowledge and instructional practices. She is currently working on her dissertation to complete her doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Minnesota, emphasizing elementary education best practices.
Started at Bethel
- Bethel College - B.A. in Psychology, Elementary Education, 1992
- Bethel College - M.A. in Clinical Counseling Psychology, 1997
- University of Minnesota - Ph.D. in Elementary Education, 2022
Courses Taught
- EDU 490 Elementary Student Teaching Supervision
- EDU 491 Elementary Education Senior Seminar
- EDU 374 Social Studies Curriculum and Methods
- EDU376 Intermediate Grade Field Experience
- EDU 271 Educational Psychology and Pedagogy
- EDU273 Primary Grade Field Experience
- EDU 200 Introduction to Education
- EDU 201 Introduction to Education Field Experience
- EDUC661 Master of Education Field Experience
Vagle, M., VonGrey, G. (2020). Mentoring post-intentionally: A series of provocations. Presentation accepted at the 2020 International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (ICQI), Urbana, IL. (Conference canceled COVID 19).
Sivaraj, R., VonGrey, G.. Markham-Cousins, C. (2019, May) Power of ensemble: Teaching and jazz. Presented at the Curriculum and Instruction Emerging Scholars Conference. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
Paulsen, P., Von Grey, G., Swensen, D., Rasmussen, J., Bonawitz, K. (publication pending, 2018) Implementing professional development days within the elementary methods semester. Journal of Teacher Education.
McCormick, P. and Von Grey, G. (2016-present) “Exploring the Occupational Health and Longevity of New General and Special Education Teachers: A five-year study of novice teachers.”
Stower, K., Winkelaar, J., Von Grey, G., Trout, M., Walker, V. (2017, November) Connecting across Campuses: Strength in a Statewide Methods Instructor Community. Presented at the National Council of Social Studies (NCSS) Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Von Grey, G. (2017, October) Professionalism in Action: Professional Development Day for Teacher Candidates. Roundtable Discussion and Presentation. Network for Excellence in Teaching Annual Summit, Minneapolis, MN.
Rasmussen, J., Paulson, P., Bonawitz, K., Swensen, D., & Von Grey, G. (2016). Professionalism in action: Professional development day for teacher candidates. Presented at The American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) 68th Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV.
Lindell, M., McCormick, P., & Von Grey, G. (2018, April) Prayer, Patience, and Persistence: Accessing open doors for intercultural exchange in rural Nigeria. Not Ready for Primetime Presentation, Bethel University, St. Paul, MN.
Bonawitz, K. & Von Grey, G. (2017, January) Professionalism in Action: Professional Development Days for Teacher Candidates. Poster presentation at the Bethel University Research Showcase.
Bonawitz, K., Paulson, P., Rasmussen, J., Swensen, D. & Von Grey, G. (2016, February). Professionalism in Action: Professional Development Days for Teacher Candidates. Presented at the Bethel University Primetime Presentations, St. Paul, MN.
Professional Organizations, Committees, and Boards
- NCSS: National Council of Social Studies Education
- College and University Faculty Assembly of Social Studies (CUFA)
- WISE: MN Women in Social Studies Education
- AACTE: American Association of College for Teacher Education
- MACTE: Minnesota Association of College for Teacher Education
- International Baccalaureate PYP Educators (OCC)
- Minnesota Historical Society Membership
- American Educational Research Association (AERA)
Hobbies and Interests
Professor VonGrey enjoys spending time with her family as possible, preferably outdoors. She enjoys hiking, cross country skiing, camping, attempting to grow things, and beekeeping. Their family has one dog, two cats, and thousands of honey bees. She also enjoys travel and discovering new places. She enjoys the process of being creative and making new things. There is always a project in the process laying around, but not always completed.
Teaching might even be the greatest of the arts since the medium is the human mind and spirit. John Steinbeck