Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

The Institutional Animal Use and Care Committee or IACUC oversees all laboratory animals at Bethel University. The purpose of the committee is to ensure the humane care and treatment of all laboratory animals. It oversees all lab animal teaching and research activities, lab training, and lab animal facilities.

The use of animals in teaching and research at Bethel University is conducted in accordance with the Guide For The Care and Use of Laboratory Animals 8th edition (pdf) and guidelines provided by the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare and USDA.


A Bethel account is required for login.

  • IACUC manual: The IACUC manual provides an overview of IACUC policies and procedures at Bethel University.
  • Teaching and Research Proposals: All research projects and course projects that use lab animals must be approved by the IACUC.

Training and certification

A Bethel account is required for login.

All personnel (students, staff, and faculty) must complete appropriate training and certification before they are eligible to work with animals. Contact IACUC if you are unsure what training and certification you need.


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