Bethel University Blog Posts

Each student learns, grows, and experiences life differently from everyone else. Knowing and understanding your options is an important step in finding the school meant for you. “Liberal arts” might…

Academics Undergrad

Job interviews can be the scariest part of the job search, and sometimes you can go through multiple interviews before you get a job. While they can be intimidating, if…

Jobs and Careers Undergrad

Jobs and Careers Undergrad

Connections. Connections. Connections. College gives you ample opportunity to make connections as you begin a job and internship search. Networking can feel intimidating, so we’ve provided five ways you can get a jump…

Jobs and Careers Undergrad

A resume is the single most important document for your job search. It serves as a continually evolving story of your professional achievements by providing employers an overview of who…

Jobs and Careers Undergrad