Jodi Dressel

Catering Manger

BC 341 |


Years at Bethel

23 years

Training and Experience

Most of her training has been "on the job" here at Bethel.

What She Does at Bethel

In her role as Catering Manager, she ensures the any and all contracted events on campus have the support and rescouces they need to run smoothly, working closely with the kichen to ensure events have the staffing and menu items required.

In Her Free Time

She has been married 33 years to husband, Stephen, a high school teacher and has two amazing and active boys, Eli and Ethan, 16 and 15 years old. Their family loves to read, go to movies, ride bikes, play basketball, swim, and hang out with friends. She loves the fact that her kids read cookbooks and already know how to cook without any help. Also, they know how to fold dinner napkins in five or six different ways! She is a fabulous baker (especially cheesecake).

Favorite Meal

Any meal shared with family and friends, but especially pork chops and mashed potatoes!