Date Monday, October 24 - Friday, December 16, 2016
FeaturingChristopher Baker
Location Olson Gallery - View maps and directions
Bethel University
3900 Bethel Dr St Paul MN 55112
SponsorsBethel University Department of Art and Design

Event Description

Overhead is exhibition featuring a new body of work by Christopher Baker that examines the incalculable quantity of images we create and the machines we employ to watch them. Exhibition supported in part by the Efroymson Contemporary Arts Fellowship 

Artist Talk: Monday, October 24 at 6 p.m. in the Eastlund Room, CLC Building, Level 2.
Reception in the Olson Gallery following the talk.

Prime Time: Conversation with Adam Johnson and Christopher Baker
October 25 at 10:25 a.m. in the Bethel Library


Contact Michelle Westmark Wingard, Gallery Director, at 651.638.6527 or m-westmark@bethel.edu