All undergrad students need to supply record of immunizations once they enroll at Bethel. Learn more about what's required and what our team recommends:

What's required

Minnesota Law (M.S. 135A.14) requires that all students born after 1956 be immunized against certain diseases, allowing for certain specified exemptions (pdf).

Students will not be able to register for the next semester's classes until immunization dates for the following have been provided:

  • Tetanus/Diphtheria (Td): Must be within the past 10 years
  • Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR): (2 dates) Must be given after your first birthday

Students report their Tetanus and MMR dates online by logging in to my.Bethel (Checklist tab > Important Things > Immunization Records). Paper forms are not collected.

Confirmation that immunizations have been correctly entered is given immediately on the form upon completion.

What's recommended

  • Meningitis (highly recommended for all college students; booster recommended if initial vaccine was given before age 16)
  • Hepatitis A (2 dose series)
  • Hepatitis B (3-dose series)
  • HPV
  • Varicella (Chicken pox)
  • Polio
  • Influenza (yearly)

The American College Health Association and Bethel University also strongly encourage tuberculosis (mantoux) testing for students from areas where tuberculosis is endemic.