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Use our email form or find the email address of a specific library staff member.

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Front desk: 651.638.6222
Answered Monday-Friday 9am-4pm. Calls will be returned the next business day.

Interlibrary loan: 651.635.8797

Or, find the phone number of a specific library staff member.

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Schedule an appointment

Make an appointment with a research librarian to get help with using the library and its resources. You can choose between an in-person or a virtual appointment.

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Visit in person

The library is located on the third floor of the Hagstrom Center (HC) building.

Walking directions

  1. Park in the East Lot.
  2. Walk across the street and up the steps of the Robertson Center (RC) building. You will be on the third floor.
  3. Follow the hallway through to the HC building.
  4. The library entrance is on the left.

Drop in during our open hours.

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Search the FAQ

Search the library's FAQ database for answers to common questions.