Bethel Writing Students Attend Literature Conference
March 21, 2013 | 9:02 a.m.
By Linnea White '13

Bethel students who attended the "Making Literature" conference include (l to r): Roberta Fultz, Abby Stocker, Linnea White, Sara Ellingsworth, and Aubrey Smith.
At the “Making Literature” conference at Taylor University, Upland, Ind., in March, Bethel junior Abby Stocker won the Phillip Christopher Schrun Prize for Literary Analysis for her paper “Text as Shaper of Worship: ‘O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing.’” The award was one of just two prizes given at the conference and the only prize awarded for scholarly work. In addition, seniors Roberta Fultz and Linnea White presented papers, and senior Sara Ellingsworth presented a creative nonfiction piece. Senior Aubrey Smith also attended the event. All five students are English literature and writing majors.
“Making Literature” is Taylor University’s biennial literary conference for undergraduates. In addition to student panels on scholarly papers and creative writing, the conference featured keynote speakers Hal Bush and Bret Lott, who shared advice and experiences from their careers as writers and professors. Poet Susanna Childress read from her work. The event also included a panel of editors who talked about their work and offered advice for those seeking publication.
Students from nine colleges and universities throughout the Midwest attended and presented at the conference. The Bethel students who attended agree that it was a memorable and meaningful weekend spent with others who share a love of literature. Says Fultz, “I really enjoyed meeting students from other schools who have the same passions and interests that I do. I also got some excellent feedback and book recommendations on the topic of my paper.”