Bethel Well Represented at Minnesota Prayer Breakfast
May 6, 2013 | 1:03 p.m.
By Tricia Theurer, Communications and Marketing Specialist

Bethel University students praying.
Bethel University was well represented at last month’s 53rd annual Minnesota Prayer Breakfast, with current undergraduate students and alumni from the College of Arts & Sciences, seminary, and the graduate school involved.
Chaired by Mary Pawlenty ’83, Bethel Alumnus of the Year in 2009 and the former first lady of Minnesota, the breakfast followed the theme of “Unity Through Love.”
Heather Flies '95, S’02 presented the keynote address. Colonel John Morris S’86, Staff Chaplain of the Army National Guard, led a prayer. Dave Horsager '95, GS’07 of Horsager Leadership Co. served on the event’s committee, as did Cher Moua S’94 of Union Gospel Mission, who also serves on the Bethel University Board of Trustees.
Bethel seniors Leah Sands and Paul Hjellming created a slideshow, “Minnesota,” comprised of photos of the state, which opened the breakfast. Says Sands, “I wanted to accurately represent Minnesota for the great state that it is and leave the viewers with a sense of pride and familiarity. The sentiments the viewers were left with permeated the process of creating this unique piece. I felt proud to be a part of this state and privileged to create a piece in homage to it.”
Patterned after the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C, and other prayer events held annually in states and nations around the world, the Minnesota Prayer Breakfast was held at the Hilton Hotel in Minneapolis.