Bethel Hosts “Transfer of Memory” Photo Exhibit
January 24, 2014 | 9 a.m.
By Tricia Theurer, Communications Specialist

Dora Zaidenweber, a survivor of Auschwitz, speaking at Bethel University about the Holocaust. (Photo credit: Nathan Klok for Bethel University)
On January 22, Bethel University hosted the opening reception for the “Transfer of Memory”exhibit, a photo exhibition illustrating Holocaust survivors living in Minnesota.
Presented by the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) of Minnesota and the Dakotas, KFAI Radio, and Bethel University, the “Transfer of Memory” photography exhibition will be on display at Bethel until February 13.
The reception featured Dora Zaidenweber, a participant in the photography exhibit, who shared her experiences as a survivor of Auschwitz. Among the last group that walked out of the camp in 1945, she settled in Minneapolis a few years later. She recalled the culture at that time, “People weren’t so eager to hear about stories about the war.” But, 20 years later, she spoke publicly for the first time about the Holocaust—something she continues today. She said it’s important to “talk about when people choose to look away and not get involved” and “to speak for those who can’t speak for themselves.”
After a Q&A session, Zaidenweber signed copies of her recently published family memoir Sky Tinged Red, which she said has a two-fold purpose, “to honor the dead and inform the living.”
“There’s so few of us left from that generation,” Zaidenweber said, “that it’s time to transfer the memories.”
Upcoming events, which are free and open to the public, include a panel discussion: "Remembering the Holocaust in Literature, Film, and Theology" on February 6 and Holocaust Film Night, "Weapons of the Spirit" on February 11.
Learn more about the events.