Reduced Time and Cost for Bethel Seminary Degrees

Reduced Time and Cost for Bethel Seminary Degrees

Bethel Seminary curriculum changes have made the cost of a degree more affordable while remaining academically rigorous.

Bethel Seminary has announced degree program changes to reduce cost and time to completion for four degrees. The changes will go into effect in fall 2016.

“These curriculum changes will make a Bethel Seminary degree more affordable and achievable for our students. They will reduce student debt,” says David Clark, vice president and dean of Bethel Seminary. “At the same time, we’re working with our faculty to maintain the academic and professional quality of these programs and to increase their connection to ministry leadership. We’re seeking to get even better at launching well-grounded leaders for the church of the future.”

The curriculum changes will apply to the following degree programs:

  • Master of Divinity (87 to 78 credits)
  • Master of Arts in Transformational Leadership (51 to 42 credits)
  • Master of Arts in Theological Studies (54 to 51 credits)
  • Master of Arts in Christian Thought (54 to 42 credits and a reduced number of on-campus intensives)

Starting in fall 2015, Bethel began offering a 42-hour version of the Master of Arts in Children and Family Ministry. Early responses by MACFM students have been very encouraging.

Market research had recently indicated that time to completion and cost for several Bethel degrees did not fit the expectations of prospective adult students. In addition, students are less willing to fund education through loans.

For these reasons, and because of changing trends within churches, those called to ministry are increasingly bypassing a seminary education. As a result, Bethel Seminary faculty and administrators worked together during the 2014-15 academic year to revise the curriculum. These changes will make seminary more affordable and accessible.

“I’m deeply grateful for the time and energy invested by our faculty and staff to make this happen,” says Clark. “These decisions are not easy, but everyone understands that these adjustments will ultimately help our students and serve the church.”