Bethel Homecoming 2015

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“Welcome Home: Remember your time at Bethel” was the theme for Homecoming this month. Alumni were invited back to campus to celebrate the unique ways Bethel has shaped them as well as the ways they have since shaped the world. Thousands of students, alumni, employees, and friends participated in a week of events to celebrate homecoming.

The competition for the “Royal Cup” continued this year for undergraduate students. Each residence hall, plus a group of off-campus students, participated in four days of events, including cheer night, tug-o-war, dodgeball, a banner competition, a men’s dance routine, and powderpuff women’s football game. This year’s winners were announced during the Friday night banquet and dance. Nelson residence hall won three of the six competitions and took the overall hall spirit award. Bodien residence hall won the banner competition and men’s dance, and the juniors won the women’s powderpuff game.

Alumni homecoming events began on October 2 when the Alumna of the Year award was presented during Chapel to Kristi Piehl ’96. About 250 families attended the free showing of “Minions” on Friday night and about 300 attended Royal Celebration on Saturday. Nearly 300 alumni attended class reunion events for the classes of ’65 ’75, ’85, ’95, ’05, and ’10.

More than 80 people attended Bethel Seminary alumni events this year, including a “Taste of Bethel Seminary” breakfast and an Alumni Gathering. Other special events this year included an “Old Campus Tour” that celebrated Bethel’s past, as well as tours of the Anderson Center and Wellness Center, which offered a glimpse into Bethel’s future. About 470 people attended the final Homecoming event—the annual Homecoming Hymn Sing—which featured an Alumni Choir, the Bethel Choir, and the Calvary Worship Choir.