Bethel Announces First Physics and Engineering Program Scholars

Bethel Announces First Physics and Engineering Program Scholars

(Left to right) Britni Hansen of Maple Grove, Minnesota; Samuel Twogood of Stromsburg, Nebraska; Grace Riermann of Stillwater, Minnesota; and Mark Riggs of Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin, will be Bethel’s first Physics and Engineering Program Scholars.

There has never been a better time to begin studying physics or engineering at Bethel. The department—which ranks in the top 15 of undergraduate departments nationally—underwent an expansion and renovation last summer. New majors in the last year alone include Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Software Engineering—and growth is projected to continue in terms of multidisciplinary programs offered and students studying in them.

This past fall, the department announced a new Physics and Engineering Program Scholarship, designed to help attract even more high-achieving students into its growing degree programs. Nearly 30 students applied for two full-tuition and two $10,000 scholarships, renewable annually for up to four years, for students beginning physics or engineering programs at Bethel in fall 2018.

“As we work to expand into various fields of engineering by building upon our national reputation in physics, these scholarships provide an attractive method of introducing many strong prospective students to all that the department has to offer,” says Professor of Physics and Department Chair Brian Beecken. He explains the thorough process his team and admissions representatives went through to introduce applicants to Bethel and select scholars for this new program. “As faculty, we were excited about all the outstanding applicants, but somewhat frustrated that there were not enough scholarships to go around!”

The department is pleased to announce this year’s scholarship recipients:

Grace Riermann – Stillwater, Minnesota

Full-tuition Scholarship

“Many of my passions have engendered a love for designing and producing completed creations, so I believe that an education and career in engineering is a great fit for me,” Riermann writes. “At Bethel, I believe I can deepen my faith and extend my education not only through interactions with professors and mentors, but also through relationships with my peers. The people truly make Bethel University a special place where I, as a student, friend, and peer, can grow and flourish in my faith and education.”

Samuel Twogood – Stromsburg, Nebraska

Full-tuition Scholarship

“While many physics and engineering concepts are studied on the microscopic and atomic levels, these concepts are also implemented in the tangible world. For instance, the truths discovered in an aeronautics lab directly apply to my small radio-controlled airplanes, and the engineering principles of weight and pressure directly relate to the down pressure of the planters we use on our farm,” says Twogood. “Bethel has technologically-advanced labs…but most importantly, I would like to study under the physics and engineering staff at Bethel University, who teach from a biblical, truth-based perspective.”

Britni Hansen – Maple Grove, Minnesota

$10,000 Scholarship

“Going into medicine has always been a dream of mine. However, as someone who doesn’t really love the presence of needles, it’s a bit impractical! This led me to look into ways to put my mathematical and scientific skills to work in the medical field, and that is when I discovered an interest in biomedical engineering,” says Hansen. “When thinking about where I see myself studying for the next period of my life, Bethel is at the top of my list. I have heard so many amazing stories about Bethel, and I can’t wait to experience it first-hand.”

Mark Riggs – Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin

$10,000 Scholarship

“I have always enjoyed math. I love the simplicity of it. In my junior year I took physics, and that class was one of the first times that I got to apply math to the physical world,” writes Riggs, whose two older siblings both attend Bethel. “Taking physics expanded my idea of what could be done with math. Each project allowed me to see the math connected to the science. It was satisfying to see how the equations could predict what actually happened.”

Explore physics and engineering programs at Bethel, or view other scholarship opportunities for students.