Jeannine Brown Receives Bethel’s First Endowed Professorship
By Cherie Suonvieri '15, GS'21, content specialist
August 30, 2022 | 11:30 a.m.

Jeannine Brown is an internationally-recognized New Testament scholar and longtime Bethel Seminary faculty member.
In March 2022, Bethel announced the creation of its first ever endowed professorship, named to honor the legacy of David Price, former Bethel board member, donor, and longtime supporter. After a national search, the committee awarded the professorship to Bethel Seminary professor and New Testament scholar Jeannine Brown.
The professorship was originally called the David Price Professorship of Theology. After launching the search, however, the committee decided to widen the pool of candidates by giving it a new name: the David Price Professorship of Biblical and Theological Foundations. This allowed them to consider biblical scholars in addition to theologians, and it also aligned with Bethel Seminary’s three centers philosophy.
“With this first endowed professorship, we wanted to be very intentional about reflecting the DNA of the Seminary and its three centers philosophy,” says Peter T. Vogt, dean of Bethel Seminary. “One of our centers is biblical and theological foundations, so it was meaningful to have the first endowed professor at Bethel have the very explicit title in the name of the professorship. Then, to put Jeannine in that position was a no-brainer—she was such a good and obvious fit for the position."
Brown has been on the faculty of Bethel Seminary for more than 20 years, teaching in areas of New Testament, Greek, hermeneutics, and integration. In addition to being an educator, she’s an internationally recognized New Testament scholar. She serves on the NIV Committee on Bible Translation and has written six books, four biblical commentaries, and numerous journal articles.
“Jeannine had all of the qualities that we were looking for,” Vogt says. “She’s a prolific scholar who’s made significant publications that are relevant for the church. She’s an excellent teacher, who is extremely capable of taking her expertise and communicating it effectively so it can be applied in a ministry setting. And she’s been at Bethel—so she really does exemplify the DNA of the Seminary in all that she does.”
Bethel University President Ross Allen recently recognized Brown at an all-employee gathering, and celebrated the impact the endowed professorship will have on students. “This endowed professorship will help Bethel Seminary continue to provide biblically grounded education that is more affordable for students, which directly ties to two of our strategic pillars—life-changing student experience and operational stewardship,” Allen says. “This will allow us to foster a community that provides students with a vibrant experience of faith formation and also steward the resources God has given us so that Bethel flourishes for future generations.”
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