Q&A with Maddy Stites, PSEO Engagement Specialist in the Office of Student Life
By Heather Schnese S’12, contributing writer
October 10, 2023 | 8 a.m.

Maddy Stites, PSEO engagement specialist
A Bethel graduate, Maddy Stites majored in missional ministries, equipping her for her new role as PSEO engagement specialist in the Office of Student Life. She is able to encourage, challenge, and come alongside students as they adapt to college life and search for connection.
What drew you to this new role?
As an undergraduate student, I transferred to Bethel during my sophomore year. When I got to Bethel, I quickly got involved and became invested in the community on campus. As I realized I would only have two and a half years on campus, I was always a little bit sad that I missed out on the first year and half I could’ve had here, but I was determined to make the most out of every minute I did have. Then the Lord opened up the door to step into this role, which has allowed me to continue my time at Bethel in a new capacity. I am so grateful for the rich community that reflects glimpses of heaven. I love working in an environment that strives to instill Kingdom values in students and cultivate experiences that will shape students not just academically, but also spiritually.
How did your time as an undergrad at Bethel prepare you?
My time at Bethel was extremely transformative and my experiences on campus greatly shaped me and equipped me as a Christian and as a leader. I had the privilege of being one of the Welcome Week coordinators, which gave me a heart for meeting students where they are at and truly welcoming them into a space they can call home. Bethel is a place that quickly became a home for me, and I am passionate about creating connections for other students to experience the life-changing atmosphere of Christian community like I was able to.
What are the key components of your role as PSEO engagement specialist?
I get to work alongside an incredible team of others who are invested in the early college experience at Bethel. My primary role is creating spaces and experiences for PSEO students to engage with one another on campus. From planning PSEO Orientation and Welcome Week activities, to overseeing student leaders and student spaces, to planning PSEO-specific events, my role seeks to provide the most excellent and transformative experience for PSEO students at Bethel.
What is one of the most common challenges the Office of Student Life sees among Bethel students and how are you addressing it?
A common challenge that PSEO students face is adjusting to the rigor of college standards. Whether this is adapting to the academic course load, managing time and schedules, or navigating new relationships, the Office of Student Life is here to support students to be successful in college. We provide support to students by connecting them with resources within our office and other offices across campus such as the Academic Enrichment and Support Center (AESC) and Early College Advising.
What’s your favorite part about your job?
The people I get to work with! I love being able to interact with PSEO students and get to know them as they become a part of Bethel’s community and start to make some big decisions as they think about what the future holds. I consider it a privilege to get to walk alongside these students and support them in whatever ways I can.
If you could tell all Bethel parents one thing, what would it be?
Encourage your students to get involved on campus. I know that’s cliche, but it is one of the single most important things a student can do to feel like they belong and to build relationships that will last more than just four years. Encourage your student to be brave, step outside their comfort zone, take a risk, and just say yes!
Student Life at Bethel.
Solid academics are important to the college experience—but you’ll find more than that at Bethel. Here, a college experience also means building meaningful friendships, growing in your faith, and discovering the difference-maker you’re meant to be.