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Published Research
Undergrad Majors & Programs Department of Physics & Engineering Opportunities Research
Our physics students and professors are extremely productive in their research, which is clearly evident by the number of formal papers that we’ve published.
As you look through the following lists, take notice of the number of students who were involved and who now have scientific papers to their credit.
Selected Papers Published Since 2018
- N. Lemke (prof), K. Martin, R. Beard (stud), B. Stuhl, A. Metcalf, and J. Elgin, “Measurement of Optical Rubidium Clock Frequency Spanning 65 Days”, submitted to Sensors (2022).
- D. Upcraft, A. Schaffer, C. Frederick, D. Mohr, N. Parks, A. Thomas, E. Sievert, A. Riedemann, (8 students) C. Hoyt (prof), and R. Jones (alum), Ultrafast optics with a mode-locked erbium fiber laser in the undergraduate laboratory, American Journal of Physics 89 (12), (2021)
- J. Kolbow (student), N. Lindquist (prof), C. Ertsgaard (alum), D. Yoo, S.-H. Oh, “Nano-Optical Tweezers: Methods and Applications for Trapping Single Molecules and Nanoparticles,” Chem Phys 22, 1409 (2021).
- N. Lindquist (prof) and A. Brolo, “Ultra-High-Speed Dynamics in Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering,” J. Phys. Chem. C (March 2021). (cover article)
- R. Spies (alum), G. Cole (student), M. Engevik (student), B. Nordberg (student), E. Scharnick (student), I. Vliem (student), A. Brolo, and N. Lindquist (prof), “Digital plasmonic holography with iterative phase retrieval for sensing,” OSA Optics Express, Vol. 29, Issue 3, pp. 3026–3037 (2021).
- J. Hogan (prof), CMS Collaboration, “Measurement of differential tt production cross sections using top quarks at large transverse momenta in pp collisions at pv = 13 TeV, Phys. Rev. D. 103 052008 (2021).
- C. de Albuquerque, K. Hokanson (student), S. Thorud (student), R. Sobral-Filho, N. Lindquist (prof), A. Brolo, “Dynamic Imaging of Multiple SERS Hotspots on Single Nanoparticles,” ACS Photonics, in press (2020).
- J. Hogan (prof), CMS Collaboration, “Search for electroweak production of a vector-like quark using fully hadronic final states,” Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020036 (2020).
- J. Hogan (prof), CMS Collaboration, “Search for a charged Higgs boson decaying into top and bottom quarks in proton-proton collisions at ps = 13 TeV in events with electrons or muons,” J. Hi Energy Phy, 096 (2020).
- A. Bido, B. Nordberg (student), M. Engevik (student), N. Lindquist (prof), and A. Brolo, “High-Speed Fluctuations in Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Intensities from Various Nanostructures,” Applied Spectroscopy, (2020).
- J. Hogan (prof), S. Johnson (student), CMS, “A search for bottom-type, vector-like quark pair production in a fully hadronic final state in proton-proton collisions at ps = 13 TeV,” Phys. Rev. D 102(2020).
- D. Potterveld, N. Lemke (prof), and 14 co-authors, “Characterizing the Optical Trapping of Rare Isotopes by Monte Carlo Simulation,” submitted to Phys. Rev. A.
- K. Martin, B. Stuhl, J. Eugenio, M. Safronova, G. Phelps, J. Burke, and N. Lemke (prof), “Frequency shifts due to Stark effects on a rubidium two-photon transition,” Phys. Rev. A. 100, 023417 (2019)
- J. Hogan (prof), CMS Collaboration, “Search for pair production of vector-like quarks in the fully hadronic final state,” Phys. Rev. D 100, 072001 (2019).
- N. Lindquist (prof), C. de Albuquerque, R. Sobral-Filho, I. Paci, and A. Brolo, “High-speed imaging of surface-enhanced Raman scattering fluctuations from individual nanoparticles,” Nature Nanotechnology 14, 981 (2019).
- J. Hogan (prof), CMS Collaboration, “Search for top quark partners with charge 5/3 in the same-sign dilepton and single-lepton final states in proton-proton collisions at ps = 13 TeV,” J. of High Energy Physics, (2019)
- R. Teese, K. Stein (prof), C. Hoyt (prof), N. Lindquist (prof), and S. Wyse (prof) “Web-Based Interactive Video Activities for Undergraduate Advanced Laboratories,” Chap. 13, Sokolowska and Michelini (Eds.), The Role of Laboratory Work in Improving Physics Teaching and Learning, Berlin: Springer Nature, 2018.
- S. Seiler (student), I. Rich (student), and N. Lindquist (prof), “Real-time sensing with patterned plasmonic substrates and a compact imager chip,” Biomimetic Sensing: Methods and Protocols, eds. H. Fenniri and J. Fitzgerald, Springer (2018).
- J. Hogan (prof), X.C. Vidal et al., “Beyond the Standard Model Physics at the HL-LHC and the HE-LHC”, Report of Working Group 4: Workshop on the Physics of the HL-LHC, and Perspectives at the HE-LHC, Geneva, Switzerland (2018), arXiv:1812.07831.
- J. Hogan (prof), CMS Collaboration, “Search for vector-like T and B quark pairs in final states with leptons at ps = 13 TeV,” Journal of High Energy Physics 1808, 177 (2018), arXiv:1805.04758.
- J. Hogan (prof), “Searches with top quarks”, Proceedings of the 53rd Rencontres de Moriond: QCD and High Energy Interactions, ARISF, La Thuile, Italy (2018).
- K. Martin,... N. Lemke (prof), and 7 co-authors, “Compact Optical Atomic Clock Based on a Two-Photon Transition in Rubidium,” Phys. Rev. Applied, vol. 9, Jan, 2018.
- R. Teese, K. Stein (prof), C. Hoyt (prof), N. Lindquist (prof), and S. Wyse (prof, Biology), “Web-based interactive video activities for undergraduate advanced laboratories,” Focusing on Lab to Improve Physics Teaching and Learning Research Based Proposals, eds. D. Sokolowska and M. Michelini, Springer (2018).
- J. Hogan (prof), CMS Collaboration, “Observation of ttH production,” Physical Review Letters 120, 231801 (2018), arXiv:1804.02610.
- Gordon Petrie, Alexei Pevtsov, Andrew Schwarz (student), Marc DeRosa, “Modeling the Global Coronal Field with Simulated Synoptic Magnetograms from Earth and the Lagrange Points L3, L4, and L5” Solar Phys, 293:88, 2018.
- D. Biswas, L. Arend (student),...4 co-authors, “Closed-Loop Control of Active Sensing Movements Regulates Sensory Slip,” Current Biology Report 28, 24 (2018).
- J. Hogan (prof), CMS Collaboration, “Search for pair production of vector-like T and B quarks in single-lepton final states using boosted jet substructure in proton-proton collisions at ps = 13 TeV,” Journal of High Energy Physics 1711, 085 (2017), arXiv:1706.03408.
- J. Nelson (student), G. Knefelkamp (student), A. Brolo, and N. Lindquist (prof), “Digital Plasmonic Microscopy,” Light: Science & Applications 7, 52 (2018).
Selected Papers Presented Since 2018
- M. Schmidt (student) and N. Lindquist (prof), “Experimental observation of high-speed fluctuations in surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy,” Optics and Photonics Winter School, University of Arizona, held virtually, January (2022).
- B. Luetke (student) and M. Ku, “Intensified Imaging System for NV Spin Centers,” Optics and Photonics Winter School, University of Arizona, held virtually, January (2022).
- K. Boecker (student), R. Beard (student), J. McCauley (student), and N. Lemke (prof), “Frequency measurement of two optical rubidium atomic clocks,” Optics and Photonics Winter School, University of Arizona, held virtually, January (2022).
- K. Boecker (student), R. Beard (student), J. McCauley (student), and N. Lemke (prof), “Frequency measurement of two optical rubidium atomic clocks,” Symposium on Undergraduate Research, Division of Laser Science APS, LS XXXVII, held virtually, November (2021).
- M. Schmidt (student) and N. Lindquist (prof), “Experimental observation of high-speed fluctuations in surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy,” Symposium on Undergraduate Research, Division of Laser Science APS, LS XXXVII, held virtually, November (2021).
- S. Bense (student) and N. Lindquist (prof), “Development of a high-speed measurement system for surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy,” Symposium on Undergraduate Research, Division of Laser Science APS, LS XXXVII, held virtually, November (2021).
- T. Nobel and N. Lindquist (prof), “Visualizing mechanical deflection with image-plane digital holographic interferometry,” Symposium on Undergraduate Research, Division of Laser Science APS, LS XXXVII, held virtually, November (2021).
- R. Beard (student) and N. Lemke (prof), “Two-photon spectroscopy with Rubidium at 778 nm,” Symposium on Undergraduate Research, Division of Laser Science APS, LS XXXVI, held virtually, September (2020).
- G. Cole (student) and N. Lindquist (prof), “Digital Plasmonic Holography with Iterative Phase Retrieval for Sensing,” Symposium on Undergraduate Research, Division of Laser Science APS, LS XXXVI, held virtually, September (2020).
- D. Jamison (student) and N. Lindquist (prof), “Using Digital Holography to Visualize and Measure Mechanical Deflection and Thermal Expansion,” Symposium on Undergraduate Research, Division of Laser Science APS, LS XXXVI, held virtually, September (2020).
- E. Scharnick (student), J. Hogan (prof), C. Holz (student), and S. Johnson (student), “Seach for vector-like quarks in single-lepton events with DNN techniques,” APS April Meeting, held virtually, April 2020.
- E. Jagt (student) and J. Hogan (prof), “Search for vector-like quarks with a columnar analysis framework,” APS April Meeting, held virtually, April 2020.
- C. Holz (student), J. Hogan (prof), E. Scharnick (student), and A. Askew (Florida State Univ), “CMS Lego Particle Flow tutorial,” APS April Meeting, held virtually, April 2020.
- N. Lindquist (prof), “Digital Plasmonic Holography with Iterative Phase Retrieval for Sensing,” OSA Imaging and Applied Optics, June (2020).
- J. Hogan (prof) “‘Discovery’ of a particle using the Open Data from the CMS experiment,” 2020 Virtual AAPT Summer Meeting Workshop W39: Intermediate and Advanced Labs, July 23, 2020.
- J. Hogan on behalf of the CMS Collaboration, “Searches for vector-like quarks at CMS,” ICHEP2020: 40th International Conference on High Energy Physics, held virtually, 28 Jul-6 Aug 2020.
- G. Cole (student) and N. Lindquist (prof), “Digital Plasmonic Holography with Iterative Phase Retrieval for Sensing,” Symposium on Undergraduate Research, Division of Laser Science APS, LS XXXVI, held virtually, September (2020).
- D. Jamison (student) and N. Lindquist (prof), “Using Digital Holography to Visualize and Measure Mechanical Deflection and Thermal Expansion,” Symposium on Undergraduate Research, Division of Laser Science APS, LS XXXVI, held virtually, September (2020).
- R. Beard (student) and N. Lemke (prof), “Two-photon spectroscopy with Rubidium at 778 nm,” Symposium on Undergraduate Research, Division of Laser Science APS, LS XXXVI, held virtually, September (2020).
- R. Peterson (emeritus prof), “Changed... by a high and humbling calling,” Invited Paper in honor of receiving Melba Newell Phillips Medal, American Association of Physics Teachers, Winter Meeting, Orlando, Jan 2020.
- N. Lemke (prof), “Techniques for Doppler-free spectroscopy in an optics teaching lab,” Invited Paper, Optics and Photonics Winter School and Workshop, Tucson, AZ, January (2020).
- Z. Tebow (student) and N. Lemke (prof), “External cavity diode laser based on a coated fiber tip reflection,” Optics and Photonics Winter School and Workshop, Tucson, AZ, January (2020).
- J. McCauley (student) and N. Lindquist (prof), “Holographic Plasmonic Tweezers,” Optics and Photonics Winter School and Workshop, Tucson, AZ, January (2020).
- N. Lindquist (prof), “Chemically Imaging Cells with Super-Resolution SERS,” Invited Paper, SciX, Palm Springs, CA, October (2019).
- K. Hokanson (student) and N. Lindquist (prof), “Super-resolution imaging of SERS hotspots accessed with various polarization states,” SciX, Palm Springs, CA, October (2019).
- J. McCauley (student) and N. Lindquist (prof), “Holographic Plasmonic Tweezing for Dynamic Trapping and Manipulation,” SciX, Palm Springs, CA, October (2019).
- M. Bigelow, R. Guidice, K. Martin, A. Metcalf, and N. Lemke (prof), “Free-Space Optical Time Transfer Between an Atomic Frequency Standard and a Simple Optical Clock,” CLEO 2019.
- J. Hogan (prof), “Exotics searches at the LHC,” Invited Paper, 15th Rencontres du Vietnam: Behind and Beyond the Standard Model at the LHC, Future Colliders and Elsewhere, Viet Nam, September (2019).
- B. Nordberg (student) and N. Lindquist (prof), “High-Speed Fluctuations in Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering,” Symposium on Undergraduate Research, Division of Laser Science APS, LS XXXV, Washington DC, September (2019).
- M. Engevik (student) and N. Lindquist (prof), “Simulations of Nanoparticles for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering,” Symposium on Undergraduate Research, Division of Laser Science APS, LS XXXIV, Washington DC, September (2019).
- I. Vliem (student) and N. Lindquist (prof), “Digital Plasmonic Holography,” Symposium on Undergraduate Research, Division of Laser Science APS, LS XXXIV, Washington DC, September (2019).
- Z. Tebow (student) and N. Lemke (prof), “External cavity diode laser based on a coated fiber tip reflection,” Symposium on Undergraduate Research, Division of Laser Science APS, LS XXXIV, Washington DC, September (2019).
- M. Bigelow, R. Guidice, K. Martin, A. Metcalf, and N. Lemke (prof), “Free-Space Optical Time Transfer between an Atomic Frequency Standard and a Simple Optical Clock,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, CA, May (2019)
- C. Holz (student), J. Hogan (prof), “Search for Vector-Like Quark Pairs”, APS April Meeting 2019, Denver, Colorado, April 13, 2019.
- C. Holz, S. Johnson, G. Knefelkamp, E. Scharnick, (all students) and J. Hogan (prof), “Single lepton search for vector-like quark pairs with DNN jet identification,” APS April Meeting, Denver, CO, April (2019).
- B. Stuhl,... N. Lemke (prof), 6 co-authors, “The Optical Rubidium Atomic Frequency Standard: Toward a Rugged, Space-worthy Optical Atomic Clock.” Precise Time and Time Interval Systems and Applications Meetings, Reston, VA, 2019.
- K. Hokanson (student) and N. Lindquist (prof), “Probing and Accessing Electromagnetic Hotspots on Metallic Nano-Surfaces,” Optics and Photonics Winter Workshop, College of Optical Sciences, Tucson, AZ, 2019.
- D. Upcraft (student), A. Coe (student), R. Jones (alum), and C. Hoyt (prof), “Pursuing a low-cost frequency comb for undergraduate research,” Optics and Photonics Winter School and Workshop, University of Arizona College of Optical Sciences, Tucson, AZ, Jan 2019.
- A. Tollefson (student), M. Werner (student), C. Hoyt (prof), and N. Lemke (prof), “Seeking Lithium Hyperfine Structures Using a Magneto-Optical Trap,” Optics and Photonics Winter School and Workshop, University of Arizona College of Optical Sciences, Tucson, AZ, Jan 2019.
- M. Stein (student), E. Vaage (student), and K. Stein (prof), “Measuring Dynamic Thin Films Using a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer” Symposium on Undergraduate Research, Division of Laser Science APS, LS XXXIV, Washington DC, September (2018).
- R. Spies (student) and N. Lindquist (prof), “Digital Plasmonic Holography,” Symposium on Undergraduate Research, Division of Laser Science APS, LS XXXIV, Washington DC, Sept. 2018.