Psychology Program Details
Our B.A. in Psychology program is designed for students with busy lives who want to execute their goals and advance their careers. Featuring convenient schedules, online courses, and hands-on learning experiences, the psychology program will position you well for success in a variety of fields.
To earn an undergraduate degree from Bethel, you will need a total of 122 credits. The listed number of required credits is based on a minimum of 60 transfer credits from previous professional, military, or educational experiences.
If you are applying with fewer credits, your enrollment counselor can help explore options for obtaining additional credits.
Fully Online
You'll complete 100% of your coursework online.
Location: Online
Start Dates: Courses start every 6 weeks. Contact your enrollment counselor for details.
Total credits
Finish in as few as
2 years
Counseling Microskills (ADST445)
Examination of effective counseling skills that combines theoretical understanding and hands-on practice of essential microskills. Engagement in development of “self of the therapist” through reflective practice and observation of self and others.
4 credits
Introduction to Psychology 1 (PSYC100)
Description of key concepts, principles and overarching themes in psychology. Application of psychological principles to personal, social, and communal issues. Evaluation of methods used in the science of psychology. Application of an understanding of the scientific process and experimental design to a critique of scientific journal articles. Identification of ways that psychology and personal faith can be integrated.
2 credits
Introduction to Psychology 2 (PSYC102)
Continuation of PSYC100. Description of key concepts, principles and overarching themes in psychology. Application of psychological principles to personal, social, and communal issues. Critique of methods used in the science of psychology. Application of an understanding of the scientific process and experimental design to a critique of scientific journal articles. Identification of ways that psychology and personal faith can be integrated.
2 credits
Lifespan Development (PSYC205)
Identification of the various stages of life from conception to death. Examination of the perspectives of various developmental theorists and their roles in historical, contemporary, and controversial issues. Analysis of the biosocial, cognitive, and psychosocial domains and their contribution to human development while maintaining a focus on individual differences.
4 credits
Social Psychology (PSYC220)
Exploration of key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in social psychology (including conformity, persuasion, social cognition, attraction, altruism, aggression, prejudice, and group behavior). Applications of social psychological principles to everyday life. Interpret and critique phenomena and controversial topics in social psychology.
4 credits
Racial Trauma (PSYC330)
Review of the origins and impact of racial trauma on the individual, family, and community. Appraisal of the different, yet related, concepts of historical trauma, racial discrimination, and structural racism. Identification of the signs and symptoms of racial trauma in individuals and systems. Exploration of approaches to healing from racial trauma. Evaluation of services, resources, and advocacy strategies for system change.
4 credits
Introduction to Statistics (PSYC335)
Introduction to descriptive, correlational, non-parametric, and inferential statistics. Description of the uses of research and statistical concepts in society today. Perform and interpret statistical analyses from existing data sets. Interpret statistical analyses in published research articles.
4 credits
Psychopathology (PSYC340)
Classification, causes, symptoms, treatment, and identification of various forms of psychopathology. Analysis of faith based and secular perspectives of psychopathology. Survey of some major issues in the study of psychopathology. Critique research in the field of psychopathology.
4 credits
The Body's Response to Trauma (PSYC345)
Articulation of physiological responses to trauma. Explanation of the fundamentals of the memory process as it relates to trauma. Evaluation of treatment options that focus on the body-mind connection. Identification of how the body’s response to trauma intersects with a personal faith worldview.
2 credits
Trauma Informed Care (PSYC350)
Examination of common symptoms of trauma, exploration of current trends in trauma treatment, and appraisal of evidence-based trauma treatments. Investigation of the current mental health crisis, with special focus on prevalence and treatment of PTSD in the military. Consideration of the role of religion/spirituality in the healing process.
4 credits
Motivation and Emotion (PSYC380)
Explain how biological, environmental, cognitive, emotional, and personal systems interact to initiate and direct human behavior. Evaluate how experimental psychologists study emotional and motivational systems. Identify connections between personal faith and/or beliefs, motivation, and emotion..
4 credits
Research Methods (PSYC400)
Analysis of standard research methods and designs in empirical social sciences research. Application of empirical research and ethical practices with human subjects from various backgrounds. Critically evaluate published research. Application of research methods to answer a proposed research question.
4 credits
Families in Cross-Cultural Perspective (PSYC435)
Introduction to contemporary, historical, and cross-cultural perspectives on diversity. Identification of values and assumptions underlying these systems, roles, and intergenerational relationships within the context of family. Evaluation of the personal impact of theological, cultural, and historical perspectives of diversity of family. Examination of the impact that chemical dependency and mental health issues have on diversity.
3 credits
Introduction to Addictions Counseling (PSYC450)
Examination of addiction from a variety of perspectives and evaluation of the twelve core functions of an addictions counselor. Description of the process of change in the context of the continuum of care. Cultivation of a personal philosophy around spirituality and addiction.
3 credits
Internship and Seminar (PSYC480)
Application of theoretical knowledge in a field placement through demonstration of psychology-related skills suitable for the agency or setting. A minimum of 60 hours in the field placement is required. Integration of knowledge, practical experience, and personal faith/worldview. Enhancement of effectiveness in self-awareness, problem-solving, interpersonal skills, cultural competency, and professionalism. Adherence to the APA Code of Ethics in internship or workplace settings. Development of personal strategies for career exploration, professional growth, and job searching aligned with career goals in psychology.
2 credits
Senior Seminar (PSYC490)
Evaluation of foundational issues in psychology. Explanation of how life events, personality and personal history inform vocation and calling. Synthesis of concepts, principles and findings of research literature. Examination of how issues of faith and spirituality can integrate with psychology.
2 credits
Examining Crucial Questions (CORE330H)
Summary of the Christian biblical narrative. Identification of the roles of scripture, history, experience, and reason, as they form convictions related to social and ethical issues. Examination of selected theological concepts using the Wesleyan Quadrilateral, as well as the application of those concepts to real life situations.
4 credits
CORE Courses
A distinctive feature of Bethel's programs is our commitment to the development of the whole person. In addition to courses within a program, students explore personal values and faith formation in a hospitable environment that respects learning from one another's perspectives. Rather than teaching students what to think about Christianity, we teach students how to think about the Bible, Christian history, and personal faith.
Bethel University cannot confirm whether courses or programs meet requirements for professional licensure in states outside of Minnesota. Students should contact their program's licensing bureau to determine whether Bethel's program meets requirements for licensure in their state.