Bethel Seminary

Our seminary is unlike any other. Our students experience personal transformation—and then God uses them to transform others. 

Bethel Seminary exists to grow Christian leaders spiritually, intellectually, and vocationally. When we talk about developing leaders, it means more than learning to delegate, organize, and motivate. Using our unique, three-centers approach to education, we cultivate servant leaders who touch lives, transform organizations, and set strategic visions for the future of ministry.

We believe:

  • Godly leaders are persons of Scripture. They're skilled in faithful biblical interpretation and they think theologically, which means taking biblical teaching and showing its contemporary impact and relevance.
  • Godly leaders are persons of character. They're spiritually mature and lead from a deep well of satisfaction in Christ. They're loving, patient, truthful, courageous, and humble, and their influence rises up from a reservoir of faith.
  • Godly leaders are persons of influence. They understand people, care for the hurting, and stand up to speak the truth. Their service to Christ is self-sacrificing, as they give of themselves, invest in others, and influence individuals, teams, and organizations.

Leave a legacy that lasts for generations.

When you give to Bethel Seminary, you invest in future leaders whose impact lasts for generations. Our graduates work across six continents, preaching God’s Word, comforting those in need, and introducing people to the love of Christ.

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