Teaching Licenses
Business Education
Earn a teaching license so you can take your business and organizational skills, experience, and leadership into the classroom to prepare future generations.
Online with Occasional Saturdays
You'll complete coursework online, with occassional on-campus Saturday sessions.
Location: St. Paul
Start Dates: Spring 2025, and Summer 2025
Total credits
Finish in as few as
18 months
Field Experiences in School-Based Settings (EDUC646)
Development of planning, assessment, self-assessment skills, instructional strategies, and professional dispositions. Application of information gained through observing general education, special education, EL, and other teachers and students with specific learning needs. Implementation of principles of effective instruction in the content area and grade level of licensure. Observation of teachers’ use of culturally-responsive instructional practices to incorporate students’ personal, cultural, and community assets. Application of current and emerging technologies to improve personal productivity and professional practice.
4 credits
Business 5-12 Teaching Methods (EDUC689)
Methods and strategies for designing standards-based learning plans for secondary business students. Creation of assessments for evaluating student performance. Identification of effective classroom management practices in a technology-integrated environment. Ways to involve business, industry, community organizations, co-curricular activities and extracurricular activities to create educational opportunities. Strategies for recruiting business education students and organizing instruction about careers, entrepreneurship, work-based learning, and career and technical education based on key legislation.
4 credits
Literacy in Discipline-Specific Contexts (EDUC722)
Analysis of knowledge of research-based skills and assessment strategies, reading processes, and instructional practices in the content area. Integration of instructional strategies to support readers with specific learning needs in K-12 settings. Implementation of reading research to develop vocabulary, academic language, fluency, orthographic knowledge, morphology, writing, and comprehension. Identification, review, and summarization of resources used for scholarly research using APA documentation.
4 credits
Teacher Candidate Seminar (EDUC757)
Strategies for managing student behaviors to maximize learning. Use of classroom teaching strategies, information about students, and collaboration with professionals in the teaching and learning environment. Demonstration of the ability to complete a teacher performance assessment to improve planning, instruction, and assessment of student learning. Development of job search tools useful for career growth. Practice professional dispositions and a code of ethics that allows proficient performance in a variety of educational contexts.
2 credits
Corequisite Course: EDUC775
Student Teaching Placement I (EDUC775)
Planning and implementing discipline-specific, standards-based instruction that is culturally relevant and based on educational research and/or theory, educational technology, and diverse needs of students. Use of formal and informal assessments to monitor growth and progress, give feedback, and guide next steps for instruction. Execution of effective classroom management techniques.
4 credits
Corequisite Course: EDUC757
Student Teaching II (EDUC781)
Continuation of student teaching for K-12 teaching licenses and add-on teaching licenses. Planning and implementing discipline-specific, standards-based instruction that is culturally relevant and based on educational research and/or theory, educational technology, and diverse needs of students. Use of formal and informal assessments to monitor growth and progress, give feedback, and guide next steps for instruction. Execution of effective classroom management techniques.
1 credits
Foundations of Education (TEAC521)
Introduction to the teaching profession and focus on influences shaping education. History, philosophy, psychology, sociology, legal matters, reform, and other current education issues. Student mental health and impact of chemicals in student lives, families, and schools. Personal growth planning, collaboration, and connection between professional responsibilities and personal faith and values.
2 credits
Educational Psychology (TEAC524)
Identification of different approaches to K-12 students’ development, learning, performance, and critical elements needed to structure an effective learning environment. Understanding of the developmental process of language acquisition and the influence of culture on learning. Synthesis of early assessment theory and current issues. Description of theories that influence learning and behavior related to the learning environment. Integration of Christian or personal faith perspective of learning.
4 credits
General Methods of Instruction (TEAC526)
Development of effective lesson plans that include all required components. Creation of effective long-range plans, assessments, and evaluations. Design of lesson plans that integrate a variety of instructional strategies and incorporate student assets including language and culture. Description of appropriate data practices related to student assessment and progress. Planning of opportunities that utilize culturally responsive practice to engage all students and especially multilingual learners and those who have been historically marginalized.
4 credits
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Education (TEAC528)
Identification of various groups in American communities and skills to foster culturally affirming communication and collaboration. Description of Minnesota-based American Tribal Nations and communities. Analysis of how biases, discrimination, prejudices, racism, and sexism impact student learning in the classroom and influence personal identity. Recognition of the impact school environments and practices have on the delivery of equitable education.
4 credits