Accepting Students into Your Service

Our Clinical Director or the Clinical Coordinator will request the preceptor's participation with clinical teaching at Bethel University. If there is not a contract already established with Bethel University, our Clinical Director or Coordinator will coordinate with the individual who has the authority to sign contracts for the clinical site to prepare an agreement between the two institutions. This is usually a fairly straightforward process.

Benefits for Preceptors - A Valued Partner

Bethel University preceptors are extremely valuable to our Nurse-Midwifery program. We recognize that each of our preceptors has a unique set of qualities and interests related to our profession, and we invite preceptors to share with our faculty any potential guest lecture interests they may have. We cannot begin to thank our preceptors enough for their commitment to our students. Preceptors will receive the following benefits:

  • Guest lecturer/presentation opportunities to our students (enhance personal CV as desired)
  • Bethel University Library privileges (online access)
  • ACNM CEU from AMCB for the time spent as a preceptor (AMCB CEU Policy)

Required Documentation of All Preceptors

For accreditation purposes, Bethel University will need to verify certain documentation. Below is a checklist of required information to verify anyone who will be serving as a preceptor for a Bethel University nurse-midwifery student. To onboard you as a Bethel preceptor: 

  1. Participate in the vetting of your site. Vetting a site includes: 
    • Review practice protocols
    • Ensure contract(s) (clinic, birth center, practice, and/or hospital) are secure and both the clinical agency and Bethel have signed it/them. 
    • Review clinical expectations (student needs, evaluations, clinic time, call, contact information, and any concerns)
  2. Complete the online preceptor survey. Please have these items available prior to beginning the survey (if you have all the items listed below the survey should take 15 min to complete):
    • CV/Resume (if you have one)
    • RN license (if applicable)
    • CNM, NP, CPM, PA, or MD certification or license number
    • Advanced Practice Registered Nurse license (in states where APRN status is recognized)
    • Education history
    • Contact person to sign contracts and facilitate clinical onboarding if this is not the responsibility of the preceptor
    • A list of previous precepting experiences.  If you have served as an APRN preceptor two times in the last five years we consider you a skilled preceptor.
      • If you are a new preceptor (never been a preceptor for any APRN programs before), we welcome you! Please review this article before beginning the online survey.  


If you wish, you may scan or copy the items listed above and send them to: 

Dawn Dahlgren-Roemmich, DNP, APRN, CNM
Nurse Midwifery Clinical Director