Research Policies
Any Bethel faculty or staff applying for a grant is expected to be informed of and comply with the following research policies.
Institutional Review Board (IRB)
The ethical treatment of human subjects is something that we as researchers-faculty and students-must consider.
In support of Bethel's mission to foster an effective academic program, the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at Bethel University seeks to ensure the respectful and ethical treatment of human participants in research conducted by Bethel students and faculty or by researchers whose participants will include members of the Bethel community.
When applying for a grant for a project for which you will be gathering information from or data about men, women, or children, you must go through the Institutional Review Board process before applying for the grant. The level of review and the time required to complete the process will vary according to the type of research you will do.
Instructions for ReviewResearch Ethics Training
Getting Consent from Participants
IRB Committee Members
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
The ethical treatment of animal subjects is something that we as researchers-faculty and students-must consider.
In support of Bethel's mission to "foster an effective academic program," the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) at Bethel University seeks to ensure the respectful and ethical treatment of animal subjects in research conducted by Bethel students and faculty.
When applying for a grant for a project for which you will be gathering information from or data about animals you must complete training and certification with IACUC before applying for the grant. The level of review and the time required to complete the process will vary according to the type of research you will do.