Bethel Faculty-Led Programs (January, Summer)

Bethel faculty lead short-term programs for both undergraduate and graduate students each January and summer.

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Faculty-led January courses

January 2026 Application cycle

  • Applications open: Thursday, February 20, 2025
    • Stop by the Study Abroad Fair on 2/20 from 11am - 2pm to chat with faculty leaders
  • Priority deadline: Tuesday, March 25, 2025
    • Applications from non-Bethel students will be considered on a space-available basis after the priority deadline
  • First-round decisions released: Wednesday, April 16, 2025
    • Students accepted in the first round will have one week to confirm their seat
  • Program Fee and Payment Schedule Information
  • Application Process Information

Faculty-led program prerequisites*

  • Permission of instructors
  • 2.2 GPA
  • Good standing
  • Successful completion of GES104: Orientation to Study Abroad during the fall semester prior to studying abroad

*Individual courses may have additional prerequisites

Culture & Communication in a Global Context: Thailand

COM315GZ  |  Apply Now

Experience the community and culture of the K'nYaw (Karen) people in Thailand as you learn about the socio-political factors that have displaced them from their villages in Burma. Students will explore the rich worldview, faith, history, education, political economy, ecology, and art of the region while connecting deeply with the local community in a meaningful project focused on telling their story and preserving their heritage.

Ecology in the Tropics: Natural History & Future Prospects - Costa Rica

GES318KZ*  |  Apply Now

Travel in Costa Rica surveying the land, climate, plants, animals, homes, transportation, and industries, noting especially the impact of human presence. Sites include the rainforest, cloud forests, volcanic mountains, highlands, towns, cities, and coastal regions including coral reefs.

*(Note: Course may carry cross-credit in biology or environmental studies, BIO318KZ or ENS318KZ, 4 credits, with additional coursework.)

European Pioneers in Psychology

PSY320Z  |  Apply Now

This course explores some of the most prominent European figures in the history of contemporary psychology. We will examine some of the major historical movements in the history of ideas in psychology, with an emphasis on the relevant philosophical, intellectual, and spiritual context. In this process, we will compare various schools of thought and approaches to the study of psychology. We will also look at how psychology developed in the various countries we visit. Students will have the opportunity to encounter local professional and academic psychologists.

History of Science in Europe

GES330KZ  |  Apply Now

This course examines the development of major scientific discoveries throughout history within the context of an experiential learning opportunity in several European countries. Special attention will be paid to the Italian Renaissance and the Enlightenment within England. Multiple scientific disciplines will be incorporated, including astronomy, biology, chemistry, engineering, mathematics, medicine, and physics. The role these disciplines played within society (architecture, art, exploration, politics, religion, etc.) will also be evaluated. Daily itineraries will include science/history/art museums, church visits, university/city tours, unique city/area visits, lecture/discussion, travel and international meals.

Introduction to International Business - Europe

BUS202Z  |  Apply Now

This course is designed to explore the dynamics of international business. Participants will visit sites to examine businesses that operate across borders and may include: advertising agencies, banks, accounting firms, technology firms, manufacturing facilities, and multinational corporations. Students interact with culture through a series of activities.

Medieval Worlds: Cultures and Beliefs in North Africa and Europe

HIS/PHI236UZ  |  Apply Now

This class is an on-site investigation of the historical legacy of medieval North Africa and Europe. While medieval Europe is often viewed through a chiefly Christian lens, southern Spain, or Andalusia, was multifaceted and included Christians, Muslims, and Jews who influenced, sometimes conflicted, and collaborated with each other. This course will study their historical interactions as well as how the past has helped create vibrant contemporary cultures today.

Media and Communication in Developing Countries (Textura in Guatemala)

ENJ321GZ  |  Apply Now

Through social immersion students utilize journalism and design to uncover and tell stories of our diverse, local and global communities. An empathetic approach to storytelling brings people together, challenges cultural barriers, and fosters authentic understanding of others. This highly collaborative class requires students to live, work, research, and cultivate community relationships together. The class will publish self-reflective field notes, create a multimedia blog platform for storytelling, and host an engaging community event showcasing their work. The location of the immersion changes each time the course is offered, including local, regional and international settings.

Psychology of Fandom

PSY220Z  |  Apply Now

A study abroad experience observing and analyzing fan behavior at European sporting events and at fan club meetings. Examination of the research literature and lived experiences of fans of all kinds (e.g., sports, music, superheroes, etc.). Analysis of the psychological benefits and drawbacks of being a fan. Includes interactions with local academics discussing the topic of fandom.

Science and Technology in New Zealand

GES317KZ  |  Apply Now

This course will explore the historical development of science and technology in New Zealand, including current challenges. Topics include inventions and inventors, health care, unique technologies, native and invasive species, sea life, earthquakes, hot springs, and volcanic activity in the context of historical Maori and British colonial cultures leading to the present day.  


Faculty-led summer courses

  • Check back for any updates on future summer course offerings!


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