Parent and Family Association

The Bethel University Parent and Family Association’s mission is to support and encourage the university, our students and families in very intentional ways. Made up of parents and family members dedicated to seeing our sons and daughters thrive at Bethel University, the association is helping create close connections for families on and off campus. Your involvement supports the university in many ways, but none as important as contributing to your student’s success. Students whose parents and family members are informed and involved tend to have a higher degree of academic and social success. The association informs by providing resources parents and family members find invaluable in advising their students in the college experience—resources such as the Parent and Family Handbook, Parent and Family Facebook and Instagram pages, along with occasional online meetings, regular emails and quarterly newsletters. The association helps fund Family Weekend and local events for parents and families and looks for ways to encourage our students throughout the year.
Join the Parent and Family Association
We hope you will find your place within the Bethel Parent and Family Association—identifying the type of membership and involvement best suited for your household. Your sons and daughters and the many students who will come after them will benefit from our combined efforts.
Take a look at the various association levels below. Current College of Arts and Sciences parents have been automatically enrolled at the Complimentary Partner level, but you have the option to increase your partnership with a one-time payment of $500 (Collegiate Partner) or $150 (Royal Partner). If you increase your partnership level, your membership (Collegiate Partner or Royal Partner) is valid for four years.
Association Levels
Collegiate Partner – $500
- Event Calendar Magnet (Mailed at Beginning of School Year)
- Parent & Family Handbook (Online Resource)
- Communications: Quarterly Newsletter, Facebook/Instagram & Email Updates
- Event Invitations: Summer Send-Offs, Bethel Regional Gatherings, Family Weekend, etc.
- Bethel University Yard Sign (Digital w/ Print Instructions)
- Bethel University Sticker Pack
- Bethel University T-Shirt (2)
- Growing With: Every Parent's Guide to Helping Teenagers and Young Adults Thrive in Their Faith, Family, and Future by Kara Powell & Steven Argue
- Bethel University Flag
- Limited Edition Signature Gift (Herschel Backpack)
- Athletic Season Pass – Home Contests (2)
Royal Partner – $150
- Event Calendar Magnet (Mailed at Beginning of School Year)
- Parent & Family Handbook (Online Resource)
- Communications: Quarterly Newsletter, Facebook/Instagram & Email Updates
- Event Invitations: Summer Send-Offs, Bethel Regional Gatherings, Family Weekend, etc.
- Bethel University Yard Sign (Digital w/ Print Instructions)
- Bethel University Sticker Pack
- Bethel University T-Shirt (2)
- Growing With: Every Parent's Guide to Helping Teenagers and Young Adults Thrive in Their Faith, Family, and Future by Kara Powell & Steven Argue
Complimentary Partner – Free
- Event Calendar Magnet (Mailed at Beginning of School Year)
- Parent & Family Handbook (Online Resource)
- Communications: Quarterly Newsletter, Facebook/Instagram & Email Updates
- Event Invitations: Summer Send-Offs, Bethel Regional Gatherings, Family Weekend, etc.
- Bethel University Yard Sign (Digital w/ Print Instructions)