Bulk Mailings

If you’re planning to promote your offering or event to a community outside Bethel, please contact the Office of Marketing and Communications before preparing your promotion.

After you’ve received approval for a bulk distribution, please make sure your mailing is ready to go.

Bulk Mail Requirements

  • At least 200 pieces or 50 lbs
  • Each piece must be identical in content, weight, and appearance
  • All foreign pieces removed
  • Nothing handwritten
  • Envelope mailings must have the flaps down if they are unsealed
  • A bulk mail form provided by our office must be filled out (shaded area only) and attached to the mailing

Mail House Processing

If your mailing will be sent to a mail house for processing (typically over 1,500 pieces), we’ll assign a purchase order number to your mailing and will ask for the following information:

  • Your name
  • Department
  • Name of the mailing
  • Quantity
  • Budget number
  • Expected mailing date
  • Number of inserts (if any)

Printing companies can deliver materials directly to a mail house. If there are parts of your mailing on campus, a courier service will be used to transport them to a mail house.

You need to call the Post Office at least 10 days before the mailing date so we can make sure postage funds are available.

Metered Mail

Place all metered mail in the intracampus mail slot. The outgoing mail slot is for mail that already has paid postage.

It’s our goal to meter and send out all of the mail we receive each day from your office. Follow these guidelines to help our staff process your mail without delay:

  • Your department name and budget number must be on each piece or on the top piece of a bundled stack.
  • Multiple pieces must be banded or clipped with flaps down. (Envelopes should not be shingled).
  • End-seal envelopes and those with extra long flaps must be sealed.
  • The postage imprint from the meter machine is larger than a stamp, so be sure to leave enough room in the upper right corner on postcards and smaller envelopes so the postage imprint does not cover important information.
  • Foreign mail needs to be separated from domestic mail. If more than 10 pieces, please arrange them alphabetically by country.