Our goal is to keep you safe. We conduct educational programs on campus security, personal protection, and crime prevention through residence hall floor meetings, employee orientation and open sessions. We would also love to provide you with tips for keeping yourself and your belongings safe. If you would like any training or security tips, please contact us.

In emergency situations, always call 911. Then call the Office of Security and Safety at 651.638.6000 so that we can guide emergency vehicles to you when they arrive.

In non-emergency situations, or to report a crime on campus, contact the Office of Security and Safety. The phone is answered 24/7/365. 

Incident/Crime Reporting

Report incidents such as theft, property damage, or intimidation to Security. Personal identifying information is encouraged so that officers can provide direct follow up but is optional and reports may be submitted anonymously. 

Report an Incident on Campus

CSA Crime Report

Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) can report incidents to security using the applicable form. Please send completed forms to the Security Office (PO Box 2364):

Clery Crime Report Form     

Clery Sexual Offense Report Form 

CSAs are defined as any individual(s) who have responsibility for student and campus activities, including, but not limited to, student housing, student discipline, and campus judicial proceedings. Examples, besides security officers, include; a dean of students or resident director, director of athletics or athletic coaches, faculty advisor to a student group, student resident assistant, the Title IX coordinator, the director of campus health and campus physicians as well as nursing staff. Examples of individuals who do not meet the criteria for being a CSA include; a faculty member who does not have any responsibility for student and campus activity beyond the classroom and clerical or dining center staff. 

CSAs are required by law to report any Clery crime listed on the above forms to the security office as soon as possible. CSAs are encouraged to include personal identifying information of a victim for follow up and to ensure duplicate reporting does not occur. All personal identifying information is kept private and not publically available. Not only are crime reports required by law, but the information in them may also demonstrate a serious or continuing threat to the safety of the campus community for which we have an obligation to act on. This may include campus notification and other response actions to keep the community safe. 

Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Harassment (Title IX), Racial and Ethnic Harassment and Disability Discrimination

Bethel is committed to providing a Christ-centered community free of discrimination and violence. Our sexual misconduct policy, Title IX policy, racial and ethnic harassment policy, and disability discrimination policies emphasize victim care, notification of proper authorities, provision of counseling services, and flexibility of academic, residence, and employment situations following the alleged incident.

In addition to our support services for victims, there are multiple support and advocacy groups in our area. We provide information on contacting these agencies and are available to assist victims in making contacts.

Daily Crime Log

A daily crime log is maintained to demonstrate an up to date list of incidents on campus. This report contains more incident types that are required by federal guidelines and lists both full case reports as well as call logs in an attempt to raise public awareness of incidents on campus. A copy can be requested directly from the security office. 

Your Responsibility

The primary, and most effective, security system at Bethel is the community itself. Each member of the community—students, faculty, staff, administration, and guests—assume the primary responsibility for his or her own personal safety and the security of personal belongings. Often this means taking simple, common-sense precautions.

Community members should report any suspicious-looking individuals or any unusual incidents in and around the residence halls, academic buildings, and campus grounds as soon as is safely possible. 

Missing Person Policy

We have a policy and procedures we follow upon receiving a report of a missing student. These procedures apply to students who live in housing operated by Bethel University and College of Arts & Sciences students who live in non-university housing.

Alcohol-Free and Drug-Free Campus

The Bethel Covenant for Life Together clearly prohibits the use of drugs and alcohol both on and off campus. We will impose sanctions on community members who violate laws or institutional policy and may refer them for prosecution under local, state, and federal law.

Information about the health risks associated with the use and abuse of drugs and alcohol; about applicable sanctions under local, state, and federal laws; and about available treatment, counseling, and rehabilitation programs for drug and alcohol abusers is distributed yearly.

Campus Access/Evening Security

Our campus has limited access between the hours of 9 p.m. and 5:30 a.m. During this time, the east entrance to campus is closed, and the west entrance is monitored by a security officer.

To enter campus during these hours, a valid Bethel ID must be presented. Visitors who are not members of the Bethel community are required to stop for clearance, and must be authorized by a current community member. Hosts can authorize visitors by submitting our visitor registration form up to 24 hours in advance, and will need to facilitate any access to individual buildings or spaces upon visitor arrival.

Building Hours

  • Academic Buildings are open for public access from 7 a.m.-7 p.m. This schedule will vary for campus events and Holidays.
  • Current Students and Employees have ID Card Access to the College Academic Complex, Lakeside Center, and Anderson Center from 6 a.m.-11 p.m.

These hours vary over holidays and breaks. Please monitor e-announcements for notification of building hour changes.