Student Success
Single Parent Support
Bethel University adult undergraduate, seminary, and graduate programs focus on adult students and their specific goals and needs, including parenting while completing a degree. Parenting is hard work. Completing a college degree is hard work. Both require persistence and support networks as much as intelligence and money. But when trying to successfully parent and complete a degree, especially as a single parent, it can appear to be insurmountable.
To this end, Bethel offers opportunities designed for single parents to form relationships with other single parents; to form relationships with faculty; to attend short presentations/discussions on Bethel, state, and federal resources; and encouragement to grow spiritually.
- August 15
- September 19
- October 17
- November 21
- December 19
- January 16
- February 20
- March 20
- April 17
- May 15
For more information on how to join, please email single-parent-support@bethel.
Contact us
Our Campus Ministries and Church Relations staff would be glad to pray for you. You can submit your requests and they will be prayed for confidentially by their staff.
If you have any questions or would like more information, we'd love to hear from you. Send us an email at Or, you can reach Janna Collins at 651.635.8003.
Our mission
To design support systems enabling single parents to successfully complete their degree.
Our vision
To help single parents succeed by offering opportunities designed for them to form relationships with other single parents; to form relationships with faculty and staff; and to grow spiritually.