Current Junior PSEO Students
Here are a few key dates for the year–and details for continuing as a Bethel student!
Schedule a campus visit.
If you have not taken a PSEO course on campus or had a chance to visit yet, we would love to host you! Schedule a personalized visit to experience the energy of life on campus.
Prepare for spring registration.
Submit your State PSEO Form by October 1 for spring semester. After this is completed, the Early College Advising team will send details about how to register for January and spring classes.
Prepare for fall registration.
If you plan to continue at Bethel for PSEO your senior year, you’ll prepare the same way. Beginning March 1, you can submit the State PSEO Form (the 2024-2025 form will be available in early 2024). In April, you’ll meet with an academic advisor and register for fall semester.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I register for classes?
Interim and spring: The Early College Advising team will send details about how to register for interim and spring classes. You’ll need to work with your high school counselor to submit your PSEO State Form by October 1. Then you’ll meet with an academic advisor to discuss courses to take that fulfill your high school requirements.
Fall: You’ll go through the same process of submitting a PSEO State Form, meeting with an advisor, and then registering. There is no need to reapply for senior year of PSEO.
Which classes can I take as a PSEO student?
As a PSEO student, your first priority should be to take the courses that are required for high school graduation. See the list of common Bethel courses that PSEO students take to meet these requirements. It is critical that you discuss your courses with your high school counselor before the semester begins to ensure you’re fulfilling your high school graduation requirements.
How many credits do I need to take?
As a PSEO student, you can decide how many credits you wish to take and the format in which you take classes (online, in-person, or hybrid). You can take a maximum of 16 credits per semester. If you have questions, please reach out to the Early College Advising Team.
Do I have to re-apply to do PSEO again next year?
As a junior PSEO student, you do not need to reapply to continue PSEO at Bethel your senior year. You simply need to submit a new PSEO State Form to renew your eligibility.

Contact your PSEO Admissions Counselor.