Office of Accessibility Resources and Services
High School vs Bethel
Office of Accessibility Resources and Services Students Assessment and Documentation
How do accommodations at Bethel differ from a high school 504 Plan or Individualized Education Program (IEP)?
High School
Classroom attendance is monitored and participation contributes to overall grade; grade-level standards may be modified for students with disabilities.
Attendance requirements vary by professor and course. All students must meet the same class standards.
High School
Teachers take attendance, check notebooks, and often put important information on the board; teachers and case managers monitor progress and offer clarification, guidance, and assistance.
Professors rarely teach from the textbook, often lecture for most of the class session, and expect students to learn from outside assignments and library research. Students must self-monitor progress and ask for assistance when needed.
Parent Role
High School
Parents are often advocates and work directly with teachers and other school staff to assure necessary academic support.
Parents become mentors and work with their student to offer guidance and support.
Time Management
High School
Students’ time and assignments are often structured by teachers, parents, and other adults.
Students must structure their own time between academics and extracurricular activities. Students make decisions regarding schedules, class attendance, studying, etc.