In order for the accommodation process to proceed smoothly, all parties need to understand their roles and responsibilities.

Students participate in the process by:

  • Providing self-disclosure of a disability and the presentation of documentation.
  • Keeping their assigned accessibility specialist informed and providing updated documentation if your disability or its symptoms change.
  • Requesting accommodations as far ahead of time as possible. Some accommodations cannot be effectively arranged if they are requested on short notice.
  • Discussing accommodations with faculty and staff members as needed and notifying OARS right away if there are any concerns or difficulties with receiving accommodations.

OARS is responsible for:

  • Clarifying what documentation is needed to determine eligibility for accommodations.
  • Maintaining student files in a confidential manner.
  • Sending to faculty or staff members individually specific emails identifying reasonable accommodations.
    • These emails will detail who is responsible for specific parts of providing accommodations and what to do if there are any concerns.
  • Releasing disability-related information on a need-to-know basis to other university faculty and staff members.
  • Discussing with students how their disability impacts them at the university.
  • Helping students to identify reasonable accommodations.

Faculty and staff participate in the process by:

  • Supporting and implementing reasonable accommodations as identified in the email from OARS.
  • Consulting with an accessibility specialist if requests seem to conflict with course or program objectives/requirements.
  • Maintaining appropriate confidentiality.
  • Submitting course text/materials lists to the bookstore as early as possible so students with alternative textbook accommodations can access them in the needed formats.
  • Including an announcement on syllabi directing students to OARS if they need an accommodation related to a disability.