Campus Crime Statistics

In accordance with the Clery Act, we are required to post security policies as well as publish statistics for certain crimes and fires that occurred on our campus. We have combined the relevant policies and statistics into the Annual Security and Fire Log Report (pdf). This report contains information for our community including how to report a crime, how is mandated to report crimes and preventative programs hosted by our community. 

In accordance with Minnesota’s Sexual Harassment and Violence Policy statute, Minn Stat. §135.A15, all postsecondary institutions are required to annually report statistics on sexual assault to the Minnesota Office of Higher Education as well as to their campus community. Data privacy laws require that data be suppressed and noted if the number is fewer than 10 students. The Minnesota Office of Higher Education defines sexual assault as rape, fondling and statutory rape. It is important to note that this report has different definitions than Clery so the data from the two reports may differ. This information is available in the Sexual Assault Data Collection (pdf).

General Security and Safety Policies

Learn more about our policies and procedures, such as weapons policies, severe weather preparation, and other emergency procedures. 

Legal Authority and Jurisdiction

Under FERPA regulation 34 CFR § 99.8(a)(1) the security and safety department is considered a law enforcement unit with noncommissioned officers and are called upon to maintain the physical security and safety of the institution. They are given arrest authority under Minnesota State Codes 629.37-.39. 

Officers may act only on property owned by Bethel University and public property immediately adjacent as well as property rented or controlled by the institution that is in direct support of, or in relation to, the institution's educational purposes as defined under the Clery Act

Complaint Resolution

Officers are required to do their very best to resolve any complaint that comes before us. Common complaints typically involve reserved parking violations, however other complaints may include poor lighting, nuisances (such as loud music), residence hall issues, disputes, and road conditions (such as potholes or seasonal damage). Any and all complaints must be documented by our officers in either a call log or a full case report including the complainant's information (may be anonymous), the nature of the complaint, when it was received and what action was taken regarding resolution. 

Complaints against officers or other employees within the security office should be reported in person to the Associate Director of Security Operations or online (reports may be submitted anonymously, although that may limit our ability to follow up). Those complaints will be documented in a case report and investigated fully. The resolution will be noted in the case report and follow our disciplinary procedures.  

Complaints involving policy, procedure or other general concerns regarding the Office of Security and Safety maybe be made in writing to and will be reviewed and responded to by a senior officer.