Student Success
Accessibility Resources & Services
Everything you need to learn at Bethel should be available to you.
That's why the Office of Accessibility Resources and Services is here—to ensure you can fully participate by having equal access and opportunity.
We work to provide reasonable accommodations for those with disabilities in the Bethel community. Some examples include sign language interpreters, exam accommodations (extra time or testing in a limited-distraction environment), or textbooks in alternate formats like MP3 or large print.
In compliance
The Office of Accessibility Resources and Services follows the mandates set in place by:
- Section 504 of Rehabilitation Act
- Title II of American with Disabilities Act (ADA)
- American with Disabilities Amendment Act (ADAAA)
We're here to ensure that anyone with a disability—a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities—has equal access and opportunity.
Learn more
Contact the Office of Accessibility Resources and Services for more information.